Eat brain puzzle breakfast recipes

The day starts with breakfast in the morning. The importance of awakening the brain makes you energetic and start to live a day of intense life. Eating more brain-enriched foods for breakfast helps wake up brain function and help with a morning job and study. Especially for students, brain breakfast is the key to learning in the morning, so eating those foods can help brains What?


Brain food ingredients: millet

Vitamins B1 and B2 contained in millet are 1.5-fold and 1-fold higher than those in rice, and their proteins contain more tryptophan and methionine. Clinical observation found that eating millet has the effect of preventing aging. If you usually eat millet porridge, small rice, will benefit from brain care.

Recommended brain food: millet mountain porridge

Raw materials: fresh yam, millet, white sugar


1. Wash and smash the yam and cook the porridge with millet.

2, then add sugar, eat on an empty stomach.

Brain Food Ingredients: Pineapple

Pineapple contains a lot of vitamin C and trace elements of manganese, and less calories, often eat Sheng Jin, refreshing effect, some people call it a fruit that can improve human memory. Pineapple is often the favorite fruit for musicians, singers and actors because they want to memorize a large number of music scores, lyrics and lines.

Recommended Brain Food: Pineapple Babao Rice

Ingredients: Peeled pineapple, leftover rice, bran, frozen peas, raisins.


1. Soak pineapple in slices for 10 minutes in light salt water to remove bromelain from the flesh. Cut it back into smaller size. Wash the raisins and ravioli for later use.

2. Take a container suitable for a microwave oven, add the remaining rice, add frozen peas, pineapple, raisins, and wolfberry. Add appropriate amount of sugar and mix well according to personal taste. Place in a microwave oven for 4 minutes and remove it. Edible.


Brain Food: Spinach

Although spinach is cheap and unattractive, it is a brain-friendly vegetable. Because spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, and B2, it is one of the “optimal suppliers” of brain cell metabolism. In addition, it also contains a large amount of chlorophyll, which also has a brain-braining effect.

Recommended brain food: spinach duck blood soup

raw material:

250 grams of duck blood, 100 grams of spinach, 50 grams of petrel fish, 20 grams of wolfberry fruit.


Salt 3 grams, chicken, pepper right amount.


1. Put the oil in the casserole and heat it. After the ginger and scallion are sautéed, let the water boil.

2. Wash and slice the duck blood, cook it in the wok, skim floating foam and pour it into the bowl for use.

3. Wash the pan, put it in water and boil it. After the sea turtle fish is cleaned, put it in a casserole with ginger and scallion and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the seasoning slag.

4. Add duck blood, wolfberry fruit, seasoning with salt, chicken and pepper, cook for two or three minutes, and put in the spinach segment.

Brain food ingredients: Milk

Milk is a nearly perfect nutritional product. It is rich in protein, calcium, and the amino acids necessary for the brain. Calcium in milk is most easily absorbed by humans and is an indispensable important substance for brain metabolism. In addition, it also contains vitamin B1 and other elements that are very beneficial to nerve cells. If you use your brain to insomnia, a cup of hot milk before going to bed will help you fall asleep.

Recommended Brain Food: Milk Fish Porridge

Raw materials: milk, fish head, ginger, onion


1. Add a few slices of ginger to the milk, and then apply the milk to the fish to remove the slight stench;

2. In addition to the fresh sweet fish, the milk has the fragrance of ginger, which has a delicious taste.

3, then put the milk head and a good porridge together, and then you can once again!


Brain food ingredients: eggs

The activity of the brain and the strength of memory are closely related to the content of acetylcholine in the brain. Experiments have shown that the beauty of eating chicken is that when the lecithin contained in the egg yolk is decomposed by enzymes, it can produce abundant acetylcholine, and it will soon reach the brain tissue in the blood, which can enhance memory. Studies abroad have confirmed that eating 1 or 2 eggs a day can supply enough choline to the body to protect the brain and improve memory.

Recommended Brain Food: Egg Minced Meat

Raw materials: 4 eggs, 2 pork (preferably some fat), green onion, ginger, Soy Sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch, soup.


1. Beat the eggs, add salt, water, starch, monosodium glutamate, broth mix, meat mash into pieces.

2, stir reheating, pour the egg, stir back and forth, cooked plate.

3, the pot another oil, fried meat scattered under the next, add ginger, salt, soy sauce, stir-fry until crispy pot, poured on the tender egg, and sprinkle with green onion.

Brain food ingredients: shellfish

Carbohydrates and fats are very low, almost pure proteins, and can quickly supply a large amount of valine to the brain. Therefore, it can greatly stimulate brain energy, improve mood and improve brain function. Using shellfish as an appetizer can increase brain power as quickly as possible. But shellfish are more likely to accumulate toxins and pollutants in the ocean than fish.

Recommended brain food: scallop porridge

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of rice, 2 tablespoons of rice, 3 shells, 100 grams of pork loin, 1 slice of ginger, 3 cups of hot water, 2 tablespoons of dried starch, 1/2 tablespoon of salad oil, salt


1. Wash the scallops, immerse them in water for one hour, remove the torn silk, and soak the dried water;

2, Wash and dry the pork, cut into coarse grains, add dry starch and mix well, then add salad oil and mix well;

3. Wash the two types of rice together and place them in the vessel.

4. Put scallops, pork, and ginger into the vessel and add three cups of hot water to mix (including the water that soaks the shellfish);

5, stamped with high fire for 10 minutes, the lid should have small holes, so as not to overflow the porridge water;

6. Change to a low fire for 15 minutes and add appropriate salt to taste.


Brain food ingredients: Orange

Orange contains a lot of vitamin A, B1 and C, is a typical alkaline food, can eliminate the damage caused by a large number of acidic foods on the nervous system. The regular amount of oranges during the test can make one feel energetic. In addition, lemon, citrus, grapefruit and other similar effects, can replace the orange.

Recommended Brain Food: Honey Orange

Ingredients: 90 grams of oranges, 9 grams of honey.


1. Wash the oranges, peel them off, peel off the endothelium, and then place them in the container and crush them.

2. Add honey and stir it evenly to make it have a slightly sour taste.

3, note that the orange can be used to replace the orange, it is best to use non-nuclear orange.

Brain Food Ingredients: Corn

Maize embryos are rich in linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, which protect cerebral blood vessels and reduce blood lipids. In particular, the high water content of glutamic acid in corn can help promote the metabolism of brain cells, and often eat corn, especially fresh corn, which has a brain-building effect.

Recommended brain food: milk corn juice

Raw material: Sweet corn 3 water 500ml Sugar 30g Sanhua evaporated milk 100ml


1. After peeling the sweet corn, use a knife to cut the corn kernels down the corn cob.

2. Pour the corn kernels into the pot and pour in clean water. After the fire is boiled, remove the froth and change it to medium and small simmer for about 10 minutes.

3. Pour the corn and soup together into a blender (divided into 2 times without falling 1 time), whipped and whipped.

4. Sift the cooked corn mash, and use the spoon to press the corn velvet in the slippery net to make the corn juice filtered as much as possible.

5, finally add sugar in corn juice, three flowers can be diluted with milk can be.

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