First, pay attention to grazing methods Summer hot weather, sheep love to pile, eat enough. Morning grazing should be early as early as possible, generally only when the dew can dry out. From 11pm to 3pm, the goats are allowed to rest and feed on the grass. In the afternoon, the sheep can be grazing at 7pm. In sunny weather, dry places should be selected for grazing. In the hot days, grazing should be done in a shaded area to prevent heatstroke.
Second, pay attention to heat Liangyang summer sheep is easy to get angry, therefore, in order to ensure the health of sheep, cool sheep every day is very important. Don't rush into the sheepfold at noon to graze the flock. You can let the sheep cool down and drink under the shade of the trees. After grazing in the evening, the sheep can be kept in the shed for a period of time. Do not hurry to chase the sheep each time you are grazing and gathering. You should let the sheep walk slowly, move, and cool.
Third, attention should be paid to thunderstorms during summer storms. If the flock is attacked, it is very easy to injure the body, catch a cold, and fall. Therefore, summer grazing should be avoided as much as possible. In rainy and snowy weather, grazing can bring large pieces of fiber cloth that can cover the flock, allowing the sheep to temporarily shelter from the rain. In addition, avoid lightning and thunder when grazing on steep slopes to prevent sheep from being hurt.
Fourth, pay attention to salt water supply in the daily feed 1 to 2 times mixed feed (wheat bran, cornmeal, soybean meal, etc. plus rice bran, straw preparation) at the same time, every day, shepherding sheep to drink 4 to 6 times light salt water. Do not allow the sheep to drink dead pond water, drain water, ditch water or let the sheep graze in moist and muddy places to rest, so as not to cause rheumatism.
Fifth, pay attention to environmental health in summer high temperature and humidity, the return of sheep grazing, the scope of activities becomes smaller, easy to cause the wet and poor environment of the pens, often lead to the occurrence of parasitic diseases, so pay attention to the sheep's sanitation, ventilation and moisture Keep the sheep house clean and dry, and do a good job of prevention and control of parasites such as sheep. Daily feeds and drinking water must be kept clean. Feeds and feeding utensils that do not feed mildew, spoilage, poisonous and foreign matter are often kept clean. Sheds and sports grounds should be cleaned regularly and disinfected regularly.
Sixth, pay attention to disease prevention and treatment Grazing at any time to pay attention to the sheep's mental state, appetite and feces. When an infectious disease or suspected infectious disease occurs, it should be immediately quarantined. The veterinarian should be observed and treated in a timely manner. The corpse of the dead and dead sheep must be properly handled, buried or burned, so that the source of the disease can be cut off, and the epidemic can be controlled and extinguished in time.
Products collected from living horses include mare's milk, used by people with large horse herds, such as the Mongols, who let it ferment to produce kumis. Horse blood was once used as food by the Mongols and other nomadic tribes, who found it a convenient source of nutrition when traveling. Drinking their own horses' blood allowed the Mongols to ride for extended periods of time without stopping to eat.The drug Premarin is a mixture of estrogens extracted from the urine of pregnant mares (pregnant mares' urine), and was previously a widely used drug for hormone replacement therapy.The tail hair of horses can be used for making bows for string instruments such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. They are also used
for shaving and cosmetics products. Tetanus vaccines are still made from
the blood of immunized horses.
Other Horse By Products,Horse Hair,Horse Hair for Wig,Horse Hair for String
Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. ,