I. Investigating local milk sales market Milk Unlike other livestock products, raw milk has a short shelf life and must be sold within 24 hours after production. Otherwise, it can easily deteriorate. Therefore, the first thing to consider is whether there is a nearby milk processing plant to purchase raw milk. If you sell through other channels (such as self-processing), consider how many users of milk are within a certain distance. When investigating the milk sales market, it is necessary to understand the current market situation. It is also necessary to predict the potential market conditions in the future, based on the current status and potential of local economic development. The number and structure of residents, their income levels, purchasing power, and eating habits are forecast. In addition, while investigating the local milk sales market, we must also understand the local milk sales price. Second, understand the local feed resources Dairy cows are mainly animal feed for roughage, in order to maintain a certain amount of milk production, but also need a certain amount of concentrate feed, dairy cows eat a large amount of food, an adult cow needs more than 25 kg of roughage a day And more than 15 kg of concentrate feed and other feeds. The feed of dairy cows, especially roughage and dregs, is bulky. In order to save on transportation costs, it is best to source materials locally. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether local or nearby can grow forage and green-feeding corn; whether wild grass resources and crop stalks are available; whether there are by-products of grain or other crop processing (such as bran, corn husk, soybean hull, bean cake, cotton Sub-cake, rape cake) can be used. In addition, while investigating local feed resources, we must also understand the prices of various feeds. Third, to understand the local technical service capacity Dairy cows daily technical work is mainly artificial insemination and disease prevention. Dairy cows are long-term estrus animals, estrus occurring every 20 days or so, and cows must be estrus at least once a month before pregnancy. Therefore, artificial insemination is a regular technical task. Among large livestock, dairy cows are livestock that have a high incidence of diseases, especially breast disease, obstetric diseases, and digestive diseases of adult cows are common diseases. The prevention of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, brucellosis, and foot-and-mouth disease, must be taken regularly for dairy cows. Therefore, disease prevention and epidemic prevention are also regular technical tasks. Due to the high value of dairy cows, it is particularly important for the health care of dairy cows. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether the local animal husbandry and veterinary departments can provide the above technical services before raising cows. IV. Predicting the economic benefits of raising dairy cows The economic benefits of dairy cows are mainly determined by factors such as the price of milk sold, the cost of raising dairy cows, and the amount of milk produced. Under normal circumstances, the cost of feed for dairy cows accounts for about 60% of the cost of feed, the cost for mixed concentrates accounts for about 60% of feed costs, and the amount of feed for mixed concentrates depends on the amount of milk produced. Therefore, the economic benefit of raising dairy cows is directly related to the cost ratio of milk price, milk ratio, and milk price ratio. For example, 5 kg of Leymus chinensis and 20 kg of whole plant corn silage meet the nutritional needs of dairy cows, and the mixed concentrate meets the nutritional needs of milk production for dairy cows. The unit price of mixed concentrate, L. chinensis and corn silage is 1.2 yuan per kilogram. , 0.6 yuan, 0.2 yuan, the economic benefits of keeping dairy cows can make the following predictions: such as: When the milk ratio is 2.5:1, the first day milk production 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg profit (cost ratio of milk price> 1) The price ratio of dairy products should be> 1.32:1,> 1.15:1,> 1.06:1, respectively, ie the selling price per kilogram of milk should be> 1.58 yuan,> 1.38 yuan, and> 1.27 yuan respectively.
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