Grape white rot is a fungal disease, and high-temperature and rainy periods are most likely to occur from July to September. The main damage to the grape's fruit, harm the new shoots, leaves. The onset began with a fruit stem or small fruit stem closer to the ground. A yellowish spot appeared and then became light brown. The edge was an inconspicuous and irregular water-stained lesion that gradually spread to the fruit. Sometimes the stems are rotted off from the lower end of a spikelet or ear and then detached together with the fruit. When the fruit is soft rot, many small particles of grayish white microprojections are distributed on the fruit surface.
To combat white rot, one is to completely remove the bacterium source: When diseased branches, newly emerged vines, and sick ears are found in the growing season, they must be removed and buried in time. After harvesting, grapevines are thoroughly cleaned and harvested, and the defoliants are burned or deepened. Buried. Second, to improve the ventilation and light conditions: Summer pruning, leaving the amount of leaves should not be too much, to keep the plane ventilation and light transmission is better, and improve the resulting site. Strengthen the drainage work on rainy days to reduce the incidence of conditions. Third, we must promptly spray to prevent and cure: In the initial stage of disease, spraying 50% tetrobacter 600 to 800 times, or 70% chlorothalonil 350 to 700 times, or 25% carbendazim 250 to 300 times, Lime spray can also be sprayed in half amount (the ratio of copper sulfate to lime is 1:0.5) Bordeaux mixture 200 times, the number of sprays can be flexibly controlled according to the condition.
To combat white rot, one is to completely remove the bacterium source: When diseased branches, newly emerged vines, and sick ears are found in the growing season, they must be removed and buried in time. After harvesting, grapevines are thoroughly cleaned and harvested, and the defoliants are burned or deepened. Buried. Second, to improve the ventilation and light conditions: Summer pruning, leaving the amount of leaves should not be too much, to keep the plane ventilation and light transmission is better, and improve the resulting site. Strengthen the drainage work on rainy days to reduce the incidence of conditions. Third, we must promptly spray to prevent and cure: In the initial stage of disease, spraying 50% tetrobacter 600 to 800 times, or 70% chlorothalonil 350 to 700 times, or 25% carbendazim 250 to 300 times, Lime spray can also be sprayed in half amount (the ratio of copper sulfate to lime is 1:0.5) Bordeaux mixture 200 times, the number of sprays can be flexibly controlled according to the condition.
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