The busy city life makes many office workers begin to appear dark circles. Dark circles not only affect the appearance, but also are harmful to our health. Today, to introduce everyone is to eliminate dark circles of food, come and see it together.
Causes of formation of dark circles
Dark circles are actually divided into two colors, one is cyan dark circles, which is due to vein blood retention of micro-vessels; the other is brown dark circles, due to melanin production and incomplete metabolism, the two causes of dark circles are completely different . Blue-black circles usually occur around the age of 20, and it is particularly difficult for people with abnormal lifestyles. The slow blood flow in the microvessels, the increase in blood volume and increased oxygen consumption, and the result of an increase in hypoxemic hemoglobin appear to be apparent. A dark blue tone appears on the skin. Because there are many micro-vessels around the eyes, factors such as lack of sleep, eye fatigue, stress, and anemia can cause congestion and edema of the skin around the eyes. The cause of tea dark circles is closely related to age. Long-term sun exposure causes pigmentation in the eye, which can cause lingering dark circles over time; in addition, the metabolism of melanin caused by blood retention is delayed, and the skin is too dry. Both will lead to the formation of brown dark circles.
What to eat to eliminate dark circles
Liver. Pig liver is also rich in iron, which helps to improve hematopoietic function. The problem of women's dark circles is actually due to anemia and insufficient blood supply. Therefore, good blood can help to effectively eliminate dark circles and other symptoms.
carrot. In addition to vitamin E can nourish the eye and eye muscles, vitamin A also has this effect. Carrot is the only choice for increasing vitamin A intake. It can maintain the normal function of epithelial tissue and improve dark circles. In addition, vitamin A contained in carrots also helps improve vision, especially in the dark.
sesame. The role of Sesame UFA is well-known, but its efficacy in eliminating dark circles may be unknown. Sesame is rich in vitamin E that nourishes the eye and the eye muscles, thus reducing the formation of dark circles.
green tea. Concentrated polyphenols contained in green tea can effectively inhibit free radicals from destroying the skin support fibers. Drinking green tea with low caffeine can not only eliminate dark circles, but also help body fat metabolism, making people less likely to feel tired.
kelp. Because iron is the core component of hemoglobin. Therefore, the supplement of appropriate amounts of iron can promote the increase of hemoglobin, thereby enhancing its ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients. Kelp is rich in iron, so frequent use of kelp can also alleviate dark circles.
Avoid dark circles and make sure you have adequate sleep while maintaining a proper diet.
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