Oyster corn must drink
[Materials] 100 grams of fresh oyster meat, 150 grams of corn.
[Preparation method] Wash the corn first, put it into a double gauze bag, tie it tightly, and make it ready. Wash the oyster meat, put it in the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, boil over the fire, cook it into cooking wine, and cook it over a low heat for 40 minutes until the oysters become rotten. Take out the medicine bag, filter the concoction, add less salt, Ginger and onion serve. Eat oysters, drink soup.
[Efficacy] Oyster taste salty, slightly cold, with soothe the nerves, potential yin, phlegm, soft firm and other effects, clinical for palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, delirium, tumors and other tumors. Maize must be sweet, flat, with the efficacy of water swelling. Clinically used for edema, hot and humid jaundice embolism. The therapeutic side has the effect of softness and yellowing, and it is suitable for liver cancer complicated by jaundice.
Cuiyi tomato tofu soup
Watermelon Chuiyi 30 grams, tomatoes 50 grams, 150 grams of tofu. Cut watermelon, tomato and tofu into filaments and make soup. Regular consumption, with spleen and digestion, detoxification, diuretic, dampness and other effects, frail and infirm should not be more than service.
Danshen Soybean Soup
Materials: Salvia 10 grams, 50 grams of soy, honey amount.
Method: Wash the casserole with Salvia miltiorrhiza, soak the beans with cold water for 1 hour, remove and pour the appropriate amount of water into the pot, and soak the beans, pick out the salvia, and mix them with honey to taste.
Function: tonic liver, blood stasis. Suitable for chronic hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly tonic.
Salvia miltiorrhiza bitter, functional blood circulation to phlegm, soothe the nerves, pus and pain. Modern medical research confirmed that Salvia miltiorrhiza can effectively increase the body's activity of superoxide dismutase, the body's ability to scavenge free radicals, reduce the degeneration and destruction of cells, tissues, organs.
Soybean sweet, flat, functional spleen wide, Qi and in, Sheng Jin Runzao, heat detoxification. Phospholipids in soybeans remove cholesterol attached to blood vessel walls, maintain the softening of blood vessel walls and prevent excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. Soybean contains soy isoflavones, which can enhance the function of giant cells, increase the production of immunoglobulin M in the spleen, and increase the content of peripheral blood lymphocytes. These are conducive to tonifying liver.
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