Raise the ability of cucumbers to sit on melons and catch three points

1. Plant adjustment Cucumbers want high yields. First, the growth must be robust. That is to say, the strong strains must be cultivated before the result. After the result period, as the plant grows, the plants must be adjusted in time. The functional leaves on the plants must be guaranteed. In 16 pieces, because there are fewer functional leaves and fewer photosynthetic products, it is not enough to supply melon strips. When falling vines, once falling vines can not exceed 20 centimeters, so as to avoid falling over a long time, leaves suddenly become less, affecting the growth and development of the melon at the bottom. At the same time, the old leaves, diseased leaves and tendrils will be removed to prevent competition for nutrients. 2 to 3 tendrils can consume the nutrients needed for growing a melon strip.

2. Fertilizer management less fertilizer, more organic fertilizer or biological fertilizer. In production, the melon farmers have always insisted on flushing and excreting human fecal urine. The effect is good. Generally, about 700 pounds of compound fertilizer is added in a small amount every time. When watering, it not only pays attention to weather conditions, but also pays close attention to the plants. Growing up to water and fertilize. For example, every time you see cucumber tendrils curled, you know that the cucumber is "thirsty" and it is watering. Cucumber in the late growth period, full use of the role of leaf fertilizer, spraying a new high-fat membrane with strong gutting Turmeric, not only can a large number of nutrients, but also enhance plant resistance, prevent premature aging of cucumber, but also improve the cucumber's ability to sit continuously It!

3. Disease prevention and control The disease is to protect the normal growth of the leaves and ensure that the stems and vines are robust. Downy mildew and bacterial angular spot disease are the three major diseases that have caused damage to cucumbers in recent years. Among them, downy mildew and bacterial keratoses mainly damage cucumber leaves, so that the function of leaves can be reduced, and targeted agents can be used in combination with new high fat film agents to comprehensively prevent and treat keratopathies and improve control effects.

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