In traditional Chinese medicine, corn must also be called "Long Xi". It has a flat nature and has a wide range of uses for daily health care.
Maize effect:
1. The role of corn stalks is mainly manifested in diuresis, improvement of renal function, edema subsidence or reduction, disappearance or reduction of urinary protein. For the treatment of chronic nephritis have a good effect, and no toxic side effects.
2, corn must be able to treat nephrotic syndrome, with corn to be decoction, combined with potassium chloride, can treat the whole body edema, can reduce urinary protein, non-protein nitrogen, promote phenol red test and blood pressure to normal.
3, corn must not only diuretic, but also has anti-hemolytic, anti-allergic and detoxification and other effects, can treat acute hemolytic anemia complicated by hemoglobinuria.
The role of corn whiskers:
Corn must be made of a l0g decoction orally. Mild diuretic effect on normal people, but weaker than swine fever and caffeine. There are also reports of double-demonstration studies of clinical death, which showed that there was no significant difference in urine volume and urinary sodium excretion between the 12h and 24h of the product compared with the control group.
Maize aqueous extract, ethanol aqueous extract, alcohol extract and decoction, intravenous anesthetic dogs, cats and rabbits have antihypertensive effect. Experiments show that intraperitoneal injection of corn in hypertensive rats requires antihypertensive effect, but no effect on normal rats. The decompression mechanism is mainly central, but it is also believed to be mainly the result of dilating the peripheral blood vessels. Corn must be able to counter the adrenaline boost effect. Small doses of corn must have no effect on the heart. At higher doses, the heart rate is slower and less intense.
Maize must have a significant increase in bile secretion and promote biliary excretion, which can reduce the organic matter and slag content in bile, and reduce the viscosity, specific gravity, and bilirubin content. This effect is slower than magnesium salts, but it is more persistent and does not involve increased bowel movements and loose stools.
The fermented corn silk preparation has a significant hypoglycemic effect on rabbits; it also has a significant hypoglycemic effect on glucose and epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia in mice. However, there was a clear dose-effect relationship, but there was no significant effect on blood pressure in normal mice. Maize hair may have the role of dual muscle hypoglycemic drugs.
13 medicinal remedies for corn whiskers
1, treatment of hypertension, dizziness and brain growth
Corn must be 50g, chrysanthemum 10g, Jiantang. This is a one-day dose, divided into two oral administrations, early and late.
2, treatment of nephrotic syndrome
Use 60 grams of dry corn each time, wash decoction. Two times a day sooner or later. At the same time take potassium chloride 1g 3 times a day. Usually within 3 days of taking the drug began to have a diuretic phenomenon, while urinary protein, non-protein nitrogen, have varying degrees of decline, a few cases of plasma protein has increased, in some cases the phenol red test and blood pressure to normal.
3, cure gingival bleeding
Corn must be 50g, placed in a thermos bottle, brewing adequate amount of boiling water, cover more than 10 minutes of boring, 1 day to drink several times, 1 day, 7 days for a course of treatment.
4, cure dizziness
Corn 50g, decoction on behalf of the tea, a day, divided into early, middle and late drinking three times.
5, cure cough
Corn 30g, dried tangerine peel 9g, Shuijianbi, 1 day, two times a day early, late oral.
6, cure acute nephritis
Corn must be 60g, watermelon rind 30g, loquat 7, Rehmanniae 15g, cinnamon 1.5g. Shuijianbi, 1 every other day, and even served 4 to 5 doses, after the symptoms subsided, served Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan, 2 times a day, daily 6 ~ 9g.
7, treatment of schistosomiasis, cirrhosis, ascites
Corn 30 ~ 60g, winter melon seeds 15g, red bean 30g. Shuijianbi, daily 1, 15 doses for a course of treatment.
8, urinary tract infection
Corn must be 15g, Money Grass 45g, Poria 30g. Shuijianbi.
9, treatment of nephritis, early kidney stones
Jade must be, informal, fried soup, frequency service.
10, hematuria
Corn 30g, leek 15g, Rhizoma Imperatae 18g. Decoction to slag, 1 serving 2 times a day.
11, treatment of hypertension, with nasal discharge, vomiting
Corns, banana peels 30g each, yellow wolfberry fruit 9g. After frying, cool down and serve.
12, treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis
Corns, heterophylla each 30g. Shuijianbi, 1 day, sooner or later. Astragalus plus capillaris served in the same manner; chronic ones plus Caragana root (or Polygonum cuspidatum root) 30g served in decoction.
13, cure gallstone disease
Corn 30g, reed rhizome 30g, capillaris 15g. Shuijianbi, daily one.
Calcium Gluconate | Inj. 10% 10ml | 50amps/Box |
FeSO4 + Folic Acid | Tab.(200mg+1mg) | 1000`S/Tin |
Neurozin (Vitamin Complex) | Syrup 240ml | 1's/Bottle |
Vitamin A+D | Soft Capsule 10,000+3,000iu | 500`S/Tin |
Vitamin B1 | Injection 100mg/Ml | 10'sx10tray/Box |
Vitamin B Complex |
Injection (B12+B1+B6) 2ml (B1+B2+B6) 10ml |
10`s/Box 50Vials/Box |
Vitamin B6 | Inj. 100mg/Ml | 10'sx10tray/Box |
Vitamin B12 | Inj. 1mg/2ml 0.5mg/Ml | 100amps/Box |
Vitamin C |
Inj. 500mg/5ml Mutifavoured Tablet 1g |
100amps/Box 10's/Tin |
Vitamin D3 | Inj. 600mg/Ml | 10`s/Box |
Vitamin K1 | Inj. 10mg/Ml | 10`s/Box |
Vitamin K3 | Inj. 10mg/Ml | 10`s/Box |
Vitamin A&D Capsules,Vitamin K 10Mg Injection,Multivitamin Calcium Syrup,Calcium Gluconate Injection Uses