Purple rose purple potato planting and cultivation techniques

Purple potato cultivation techniques

Purple potato has high yield, strong adaptability and a wide range of uses. It was determined that each 100 g stem contains 2.30 g protein, 0.10 g fat, 16.50 g carbohydrate, 11.00 mg calcium, 1.20 mg iron, 64.00 mg phosphorus, and 342.00 potassium. Mg, magnesium 22.90 mg, carotene 0.01 mg, thiamine 0.10 mg, riboflavin 0.03 mg, niacin 0.40 mg, ascorbic acid 16.00 mg and anthocyanins 100.00 mg. Its greatest feature is that it is rich in anthocyanins and its content is as high as 42.80 mg/kg. It has many health effects such as enhancing human immunity, delaying aging, enhancing physical fitness, fighting cancer, cosmetology, and preventing hypertension. Therefore, purple potatoes can be used as a side dish. Can also be used as a special dish, or a good extraction of anthocyanin processing raw materials. At present, purple potato cultivation area in the country is still small, the market price per kg 6-8 yuan, equivalent to 6-8 times that of ordinary potatoes, generally 667 mz output of about 2 500 kg, economic benefits more than 10,000 yuan. The economic benefits are considerable. The new varieties and supporting cultivation techniques are greatly concerned by the farmers.

The whole growth period of purple potato is about 93 d. The late-maturing varieties are drought-tolerant, cold-resistant and widely adaptable, and the tubers are resistant to storage. Anti-early blight, late blight, ring rot, black shank and virus disease. Its seedlings are erect and dark purple. Clusters are luxuriant and grow strong. General plant height about 60.00 cm. The main stem is developed. Stem 1.37 cm thick, dark purple stem, cross-sectional triangular prism, fewer branches. Petiole purple, corolla purple, petals deep purple, tuber oblong. The skin is smooth, dark purple, dark purple and good quality. Concentrated potato, single plant 6-8. Monolithic mass 120-300 g.

2 Prepare for ploughing

2.1 Plot selection, looseness, and good permeability of soil tillage, therefore, the choice of high dry terrain, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage, soil texture loose, deep, fertile sandy loam soil cultivation is to ensure high yield soil foundation.

2.2 Moss mouth arrangement, purple potato bogey weight and tobacco, eggplant, pepper, sweet potato and other Solanaceae crop rotation, with wheat, corn and welsh onion, beans, rice and other crops for the Qiang better. Do pay attention to herbicides used in previous crops

2.3 Soil preparation for the realization of purple potato high yield and quality. Deep plowing is required before planting in winter, usually with a depth of 25-30 cm. In the early spring, fine soil preparation is performed to achieve fine crushing of the soil, no large earth blocks, and enhanced water retention capacity of the soil.

2.4 Apply base fertilizer, purple potato is a high-yielding fertilizer crop. Nitrogen O is required for every 100 kg of fresh potatoes produced. 50 kg, phosphorus 0.20 kg, and potassium 0.95 kg, the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is generally 2:1:4. Should be cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken manure and green manure, compost, supplemented by appropriate quantitative fertilizer. According to the results of soil nutrient testing and fertilizer requirements, determine the fertilization program. Combined with soil preparation, decomposed organic fertilizer was applied every 667 mz for 3 to 5 ms, 80-100 kg of superphosphate, 15-20 kg of potassium sulfate, and 15 kg of urea.

3 kinds of potato processing

3.1 Select seed potatoes 20-30 days before planting (general around mid-January in the region). The seed potato selection was carried out, and the seed potatoes that were disease-free, with many shoots, uniform in size, and consistent with the variety characteristics were selected, and the deformed, cracked, necrotic buds, and potato chips I 2l with lesions were removed. About 120 kg of seed tuber is needed for every 667 m2. To cut a tooth in one or two seeds is good, so it will be very productive.

3.2 Pre-harvest pre-germination of potato chips can promote early emergence, increase the duration of field growth, and increase yield. Yangshuo, cellars, greenhouses can be used as germination sites. The seed potato obtained by screening was placed in a dark environment at 20°C for warm germination. When the buds show about 0.5 em, they are cut and arranged in the order of the buds. Starting from the tail of the tuber, it is spirally cut in the order of buds. Finally divide the top into two. Ensure that each cutting block has 1 to 2 top shoots. The cuttings should be uniform. Generally, the weight of each seed potato should be about 25 g. The cutting tools should be strictly controlled with 75% alcohol or potassium permanganate. disinfection. Planting potatoes must also be sterilized.

3.3 Pharmaceutical treatment The cut potato pieces were sprayed with 0.01% boric acid or 500 times 50% carbendazim solution using a sprayer and drained to dry. After the dried potato pieces are moved to the warm sunny place and dried for 3~5 d. Keep about 15 °C temperature. Let sprouts be green and robust.

4 timely sowing

4.1 During the colonization period, purple potato sprouts began to sprout at temperatures above 5°C. It grows robustly and rapidly at 18°C. Under normal circumstances. When the 10 cm ground temperature stably passes 5 °C, it can be sown. The appropriate land cultivation mode in Tianjin is generally set in the middle and late March and early April. Too early. Seedlings are susceptible to freezing damage. They cannot be listed first before they are too late, which will affect planting efficiency.

4.2 Sorghum mulching film double row cultivation using mulching mulching double row cultivation. The ground temperature can be increased by 3-5°C, and the early planting period is about 15 days. At the same time, a healthy and loose environment is created for the normal growth of the purple potato, which is also conducive to artificial or mechanical harvesting. According to the row spacing 100 em made of 20cm high, 70cm wide, slightly higher in the middle of the turtle back, after every level of 667m2 with acetochlor 100-150g of water spray 40-50 kg, control field weeds: Use a plastic film with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 0.008 mm to cover the film. Every 2-3 m horizontally pressurizes an earth belt to prevent the wind from uncovering the film. Membranes can be colonized after 3-5 days.

4.3 Proper close planting, purple potatoes should be sparsely planted, double row cultivation. The spacing is 40 em, the spacing is 33 cm, and about 4,000 strains are kept per 667 m2. Colonization holes 8-10 cm deep with hole cutters when planting. Then put the seed buds upside down and seal the membrane holes with fine soil.

5 Field Management

Purple potato has only about 65 days of growth time after seedling emergence. Therefore, field management should highlight an “early” word. Production should grasp the principle of promoting the post-control. Technical management should be timely, early cultivator, early fertilizer, early watering. Promote roots, promote trees, and promote early-onset hair. After flowering, according to the weather, soil moisture, plant growth conditions, as appropriate, topdressing, small water ground pouring, promote tree attacking potatoes, potato control trees, to achieve coordinated growth. It is necessary to prevent late plant aging, but also to control the stem and leaves in the later period.

5.1 seedlings fill seedlings, after cultivating grass and planting, to maintain soil moisture and stable ground temperature. After the seedlings are unearthed, seedlings shall be inspected and seedlings shall be nursed in time. From the time of sowing until mulching, 3-4 times of shallow cultivating between the membranes shall be conducted to keep the soil loose and increase the temperature of the soil. At the same time eliminate weeds in the ridge and cultivate strong seedlings in the field.

5.2 Topdressing Under the premise of applying base fertilizer, field seedlings are used to promote the early emergence of seedlings. Can be sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 2-3 times. According to the seedling growth condition, the urea 15 to 20 kg per 667 m2 of 667 m2 can be combined with irrigation before the planting period until the plant is ridged.

5.3 Removal of flower buds During the budding stage, the tubers begin to enlarge, and the flowering period enters a period of rapid expansion. At this point, buds should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the development of potato chips.

5.4 Scientific control to prevent plant growth, lodging, and increase the rate of large and medium-sized potatoes. Field purple potato plant height of 15 ~ 20 cm with 5% of paclobutrazol 15 g water 30 kg spray, the effect is very good.

5.5 Moisture Management Before budding, water is mainly supplied to plants by soil moisture. Master no drought and no pouring; budding period, purple potato tuber enlargement period. Water should be promptly maintained to keep the soil moist. Generally, water is poured once every 15 days. Be careful not to let water over the back of the ridge to cause soil compaction during irrigation. In order to improve yield and improve quality, purple potatoes should be properly controlled in the later stage of growth, and watering should be stopped 10 days before harvest to prevent the tuberculosis caused by excessive soil moisture from reducing the storability.

6 timely harvest

Most stems and leaves of potato plants turn green to yellow and gradually wither. Stem stalk shrinkage and easy detachment from the tuber is a sign of its maturity, this time harvest should be timely to avoid the harm of underground pests. Avoid the rainy weather when harvesting. Choose sunny days and low soil moisture, try to avoid mechanical damage. Improve commodity quality and adopt field-graded packaging to effectively increase economic efficiency.

7 Pest control

Purple potatoes are prone to late blight and viral disease. The control of late blight can be carried out with 3-4 times foliar sprays of Dupont dew, agricultural streptomycin or mancozeb, etc.: After anthesis, spray with 50% carbendazim or 40% alfa-aluminum 500 times, every other time. 7 to 10 d spray 1 time. Spray 2-3 times. The virus disease can be sprayed with 20% virus A 500 times solution or 1.5% phytopathogenic spirit 800 times solution. The main insect pests are earthworms, cockroaches, ground tigers, aphids, and ladybugs. Use frequency-vibration insecticide to trap and kill adult insects, use 50% phoxim EC 1 000 times solution or 25% trichlorfon EC 500 times solution to spray or infuse, to control underground tigers and earthworms and other underground pests; use 50% phoxim Emulsion l000 times or with 10% imidacloprid 2 500 times spray control aphids and 28 ladybugs.

The above planting techniques are only enough to refer to different soils in different regions of the country. They also rely on local potato cultivation techniques.

Sales Consulting Phone PHS; 0452-8591381, 13079632528

Heilongjiang Province Keshan County Dongyuan Shenghe Purple Potato Plantation Cooperative

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