Precaution methods for detailed hepatocarcinoma in high-risk populations

Liver cancer is the disease with the highest mortality rate besides gastric cancer. Many liver cancer patients are often unaware of early stage of liver cancer. Once diagnosed, liver cancer is mostly in the late stage. Therefore, the treatment coefficient is very large and the efficacy is poor. Although liver cancer is so high, it has its own preference. Ten types of people must pay special attention to preventing liver cancer.

10 HCC risk groups

1, people with a family history of liver cancer

On the one hand, many genetic diseases that damage the liver, such as pigmentation, glycogenosis, etc., will develop liver cirrhosis, and the incidence of liver cancer is also high; on the other hand, it is believed that familial aggregation of liver cancer is mainly caused by type B Caused by accumulation of hepatitis virus. There is currently no evidence that liver cancer is inherited.

2. Patients with posthepatitic cirrhosis

More than 50% of patients with cirrhosis develop cancer, and most of them are patients with recurrent disease, poor liver function improvement, and frequent complications such as ascites.

3, people living in high-risk areas of liver cancer

China's high incidence of liver cancer mainly in the southeast coast, such as Fusui, Longan in Guangxi, Fujian, Xiamen, Tongan, Qidong, Haimen, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Chongming, Nanhui, etc., in these areas, an average of at least 30 people per 100,000 people die In liver cancer. In addition, the incidence of liver cancer is higher in the coast than in the inland, southeast and northeast than in the southwest and northwest.

4, long-term drinking

Long-term alcohol abuse can significantly damage liver cells and lead to malnutrition. The liver is prone to liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer can develop. Of course, in addition to the above dietary factors, hepatitis B, parasitic diseases in the liver (such as Clonorchis sinensis), and genetic susceptibility are also closely related to the occurrence of liver cancer. It should be pointed out here that when the above two factors work, liver cancer is more likely to occur, such as exposure to hepatitis B and aflatoxin, the incidence will be faster.

Alcoholism can also cause alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis. In alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis, Kupffer cells decrease, which can increase the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinogenesis.

5. Hard living conditions

Occurrence of liver cancer has a professional character, and farmers have the highest incidence and mortality. Some people say that in China, liver cancer and stomach cancer are poor diseases, and people with poor economic conditions are prone to "liver cancer." There is a certain truth.

6, gene mutation

The mutator and virus in the environment stimulate the activation of the hepatocyte division reaction pathway, causing point mutations and gene translocations of cells, which may be the factors that accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells.

7, drinking water is not healthy

Water is an important substance for maintaining the normal survival of human organisms. Of course, water itself does not cause cancer, but epidemiological investigations have shown that the extent of drinking water pollution is positively correlated with the incidence of liver cancer. There is no doubt that there are carcinogens in the water source, but it may also be the common action of various carcinogens, such as humic acid and blue-green algae toxins.

8. Foods contaminated with Aspergillus flavus

More than 30 years ago, a farm in the UK fed turkey with a mildewed peanut meal cake caused by Aspergillus flavus, causing 100,000 young chicks to die soon. Epidemiological studies have shown that the geographical distribution of liver cancer in China is basically consistent with the distribution of Aspergillus flavus infection. In regions where grain, oil, foods are heavily contaminated with aflatoxin B1, the incidence and mortality of liver cancer are also high.

Aflatoxin is a carcinogen suitable for growth and reproduction in hot and humid environments. If humans have long eaten moldy cereals in the summer, they will have aflatoxin and liver cancer will appear.

9, excessive intake of nitrosamines

Dimethylnitrosamine has been isolated from the food of South African residents in high-risk areas of liver cancer. Such compounds can also cause other tumors such as esophageal cancer. Therefore, nitrosamines are also classified as one of the causes of liver cancer.

10, intake of less trace elements

The current study on the relationship between trace elements and liver cancer found that liver cancer mortality was negatively correlated with selenium content in the environment and negatively correlated with selenium levels in the residents' blood. Animal experiments showed that selenium could block aflatoxin-induced liver cancer in rats and ducks.

Prevention of liver cancer

1. First, throw out the moldy food at home and aflatoxins that contaminate these foods will cause liver cancer. Academician Wu Mengchao pointed out that in areas with high incidence of liver cancer, the level of aflatoxin contamination is higher than in other regions. So eat more fresh food.

2, to maintain a healthy weight, not too thin and not obese to prevent malnutrition or steatohepatitis.

3, the mentality of failure to adjust well. Ye Yongan pointed out that people with a family history who are infected with the hepatitis B virus and do not control it well have a 20 times higher chance of being transferred to liver cancer. If this is coupled with a bad attitude, the odds are even higher.

4, in addition, regular examination is the most simple method of early detection of liver cancer, three experts have recommended that you have regular physical examination, especially in high-risk groups (hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus infection) preferably every six months for liver cancer screening, to large Hospitals or medical examination agencies can do, just check two items, one is alpha fetoprotein, one is to do B ultrasound.

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