Rabbits of medicinal materials are a large new breed of rabbits that has recently been successfully cultivated in China for a variety of purposes including medicinal, experimental, skin, and meat. The medical experts extracted dozens of drugs and vaccines from their living bodies; their flesh is a human food, fresh in taste, rich in scent, green and pollution-free; its beauty skin rejuvenation, health prolonged life, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other effects are Domestic and foreign consumers are widely respected. The raw materials of rabbits are resistant to roughage, fast growth, high reproduction rate and considerable benefits. Live rabbits have long been exported to Japan and have a good market prospect. Its cultivation techniques are as follows.
First, the nursing female rabbits and pups of the childbirth must be placed in farrowing boxes and prepared with soft hay or cotton. If the first female rabbit does not pull hair, it is necessary to help it pull out the hair around the abdomen and put it in the production box. When a female rabbit gives birth, it is best to wait by the side. Immediately after birth, give warm (winter) light salt water (0.5% to 1%) and help them breastfeed. If there is too much calving, you can put too many puppies in a litter that is too young, and use the mother's urine to sprinkle on the nurse to prevent the female rabbit from feeding. It is also possible to use a syringe to add a bicycle valve core to a baby's beak and feed milk, goat's milk, etc. Twenty-day-old puppies can be fed with easily digestible, high-quality mixed concentrates. Feeding female rabbit diet formula: corn 20%, sorghum 5%, peanut cake 12%, peanut meal 30%, bean cake 10%, wheat bran 18%, salt 0.5%, premix 4.5%, processed into pellet feed . The amount of 150-250 grams a day, free drinking water. Every day, add 3 to 5 eggs (wash, cook and chop).
Second, puppies weaning and management of puppies can not be suddenly weaned. Starting from the age of 30 to 35 days, the number of breast-feedings is reduced and supplemented with easily-digestible mixed concentrates. When feeding rabbits, add less frequently, small meals (fed 6 times a day), and add antibiotics, olaquindox, and other drugs to increase the disease resistance.
Third, the feeding and management of young rabbits 18 to 20 days after weaning, puppies began to change lanugo, growth accelerated. Dietary formula: 15% soybean cake, 25% corn, 15% wheat bran, 30% peanut meal, 10% peanut cake, 0.5% salt, 4.5% premix. Processed into pellet feed, daily feed volume 30 to 50 grams, free drinking water.
IV. Feeding and management of young rabbit (3 to 5 months old) Feed formula: 14% soybean cake, 20% corn, 17% bran, 11% peanut cake, 30% peanut meal, 4% sorghum, 0.5% salt, pre- Mix 3.5%, processed into pellet feed, daily feed 60 to 100 grams, free drinking water.
Fifth, breeding rabbits (5 to 6 months of age) feeding and management This period male and female rabbits have matching phenomenon. Male and female rabbits were separately fed to prevent early mating and random distribution. Feed pelleted feeds early, mid and late every day. Dietary formula: bean cake 8%, corn 19%, wheat bran 18%, peanut meal 40%, sorghum 5%, peanut cake 6%, salt 0.5%, premix 3.5%. The daily amount of 80 to 120 grams.
Sixth, feeding and management of adult rabbit (7-8 months old)
7-8 months of age, weighing about 5 kg into adulthood. When the female rabbit is estrus, it is arranged for breeding. The rabbit cage should maintain 5 to 10°C in winter. Ten days before breeding, add vitamin E1 tablets daily. The feed formula was bred into rabbits and the daily feeding amount was 100-150 grams.
Seven kinds of male rabbits feeding and management
For male rabbits aged from 7 to 8 months of age, the adult rabbit diet formula can be used during the non-breeding period. Breeding diet formula: bean cake 15%, peanut cake 10%, peanut meal 35%, corn 15%, wheat bran 20%, salt 1%, premix 4%. Daily vitamin E1 tablets, processed into pellet feed, daily feed volume of 100 to 180 grams, to give enough water.
VIII. The feeding and management of pregnant female rabbits should increase the protein content of the diet, prohibit rotten spoilage or frozen feed, and prohibit mentioning, catching or scaring the female rabbit to prevent miscarriage. Diet formula: 15% soybean cake, 4% premix, 10% peanut cake, 31% peanut meal, 20% corn, 19% wheat bran, 1% salt, processed into pellet feed. The daily amount of 110 to 200 grams.
IX. Breeding and exporting According to the current Japanese import requirements for Chinese medical raw materials rabbits, the living medical raw material rabbits that are left standing for 24 hours and are healthy, disease-free, non-polluting, white-brown, and weighing 2.65 kg to over 2.75 kg are eligible for export. .
Author unit: Shandong Zhucheng Benming Rabbit Industry Development Company
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