1) Feed: Cockroaches are typical carnivorous insects and are more ferocious. With its claws capable of ejecting venom, it can prey on all kinds of smaller animals. A wide range of food sources, observations from the field and the results of trials and observations, comprehensive local feeding experience, the feed for alfalfa are mainly the following categories: one is a variety of insects, such as cockroaches, aphids, tobacco insects, chafers, rice borers, cattle Adults, ticks, larvae, and eggs of hornworms, crickets, crickets, crickets, spiders, flies, and bees. The other are vertebrates such as worms, cockroaches, snails, and invertebrates, as well as muscles, bones, and internal organs of vertebrates such as frogs, snakes, lizards, geckos, sparrows, rats, and bats. Another type is when the above food source is insufficient, also eat a small amount of young grass, branches, root tip and watermelon, cucumber and other fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk, bread and other cooked products. In addition, the oysters of Zhejiang's captives live on loach, astragalus, small fish, shrimp, and small crabs.
Although the food sources of oysters are widely varied, they require fresh food and do not eat rancid food. So when artificial breeding, fresh feed must be thrown every 2-3 days. Before feeding, thoroughly remove the remaining foodstuffs. A large amount of food, strong hunger resistance. When you are hungry, you can eat 1/5 to 3/5 of your body weight at a time. After food is full, ten days and a half without food will not starve to death. At the same time, you are not thirsty and need to drink water every day. Therefore, water containers must be placed in the farm and the water must be changed regularly to keep the water fresh and clean.
2) Spawning and Hatching: Each year in the late spring and early summer, it is the spawning period of the cockroach. Each female quail usually lays 20 to 60 eggs, most of which are 40 to 50, and a few are 10 or less. Prior to spawning, the abdomen is close to the ground and self-drilling shallow caves. At the time of spawning, the body quailed into an "S" shape, and the eggs were produced in bunches from the genital hole in a self-dug hole. In the absence of external disturbance, spawning takes 2 to 3 hours. After the birth, the body was turned sideways, and the egg trays were gathered together into a group and held in the arms. The eggs produced by the quail are oval in shape and sizes, generally about 3 to 3.5 mm in diameter, beige, translucent, and the egg membranes are elastic.
蜈蚣 Incubation time is longer, generally takes 43 to 50 days. During the hatching process, the external shape and internal structure of the egg gradually change with the development of the embryo. One month later, the larvae appeared in the form of eggs. The body length was about 1.2 cm, and the larvae of the larvae in the eggs were visible. 35 to 40 days later, the larvae were about 1.5 cm long and could crawl up and down, but they could not leave the mother. 43 After about 45 days, the larvae have a body length of about 2.5 cm and can leave the mother to find food on their own. During the entire period of hatching, the mother's body has already accumulated enough nutrients, no need to feed, otherwise it is easy to cause the eggs or larvae to be contaminated by the food and be eaten by the mother, affecting the hatching rate and the survival rate of the larvae.
The mother does not leave the egg masses or larvae during incubation, and hatches and guards carefully. From time to time, use the tentacles to swing the body from side to side to catch other bugs, and use common claws to pluck or lick eggs or larvae. It has been observed that this is the fluid secreted by the basal or oral glands of the mother's forepaw to clean the egg mass or larvae to prevent the egg masses or larvae from being contaminated by bacteria and other contaminants.
During spawning or hatching, if disturbed by the outside world, it will stop spawning and eat all the eggs that have been produced or hatched. This is the so-called "protective" response. After spawning eggs, many eggs can be laid and hatched. However, the spawning period and incubation period of pupa are greatly delayed, and spawning is small, and the hatching rate is not high, which affects the yield and quality of alfalfa. Therefore, in the artificial breeding of earthworms, during the spawning and hatching of eggs, the surrounding environment should be kept quiet and should not be disturbed. This is a matter that must be paid attention to in aquaculture management.
3) Moulting and growth: Arthropods of crustaceans are covered with chitinous crustaceans, limiting their further growth and development. In order to get rid of the restrictions on further growth and development of carapace, it is necessary to molt several times during growth and development. Each time the skin is peeled, it obviously grows up once. In the development of embryos, it is necessary to molt three times. Adults usually have one swab once a year, and individual swine twice.
Moulting is mostly done in midsummer or after spawning. Changes in body color before the skin, slow movement, no food, visual acuity and antenna ability weakened. When tanned, it is carried forward from front to back and section by section. Finally, the tail is pulled out. The old skin of the armpits is wrinkled. When straightened, it is a complete skeleton. It takes about 2 hours to complete the fur. Do not disturb the skin when you do, otherwise it will extend the skin time. When artificially bred pelt, it is also necessary to prevent groups of ants from attacking it, or else it is easily bitten by ants.
The development speed of crickets is relatively slow. The larvae hatched from the first year to the pre-hibernation body was only about 3.3 to 3.9 cm in length, and the body length in the second year was only about 4.9 to 6.6 cm under adequate food conditions. Therefore, it usually takes 3 to 4 years from the development of the larvae to adult sexual maturity. The speed of growth and development is related to the adequacy of food and the length of time it takes to eat. Artificial fish found in the same year output of earthworms, indoor breeding than natural stocking growth and development faster. Therefore, the supply of sufficient fresh feed during breeding is one of the important conditions for increasing its yield.
4) Overwintering: The pupa is a temperature-changing animal. Changes in outside air temperature and altitude have a great influence on their lives. The cold winter threatens its life. In order to escape the threat of cold winter, it drilled underground and wintered in hibernation. During hibernation, the body is "S" shaped or "L" shaped. The depth of the drilled layer during hibernation is directly related to the temperature and the soil temperature. The lower the temperature and the soil temperature, the deeper the soil is drilled into the soil. When the temperature and soil temperature are higher, the soil is drilled into the soil. In general temperature and soil temperature conditions, many hibernations occur at 15 to 40cm in soil; when temperatures and soil temperatures are low, they can hibernate at 80 to 100cm in soil. If the soil temperature rises, it will not only delay the hibernation, but also hibernate in shallow soil or earth surfaces. It can be seen that the level of soil temperature is the key to affecting the length of hibernation and the depth of the soil. Therefore, in the culture, artificially improving the soil temperature in hibernation sites not only shortens the time of hibernation, makes it safe for winter, but also increases the normal life span of cockroaches and helps increase the production of cultured cockroaches. For example, on the eve of wintering in the midges, excavate 80 to 100 cm deep pits in the farm, mix the excavated mud and the collected mud and dust in a ratio of 2:1, pour it into the pit, and fill the pits. Then put a proper amount of brick pieces and place them. Then cover a fine layer of soil and finally cover the branches of hay. This improves the environmental conditions of wintering.
Before the improvement of wintering environmental conditions, the soil temperature was low, and the temperature of the soil in the early, middle, and late temperatures changed greatly. After the improvement, the soil temperature increased significantly. The change in temperature difference between early, middle and late is small, and it can basically keep the soil temperature unchanged in the same day, which is conducive to safe wintering. There are many benefits to the improvement of overwintering environmental conditions, including: 1 After deep turning, the soil is loosened, and the air in the soil is circulated. Because the soil cover is covered with fine soil, the heat in the soil under the brick block is not easy to dissipate. Insulation capacity; and the heat in the soil is easily distributed between the tiles, reducing the temperature difference between the early, middle and late days. 2 The brick pieces are prone to water absorption, resulting in a damp and wet environment. The bricks and tiles have large gaps and are conducive to the intrusion and inhabitation of earthworms. 3 After the garbage mixes with the soil, the waste quickly rots and decomposes, emitting a large amount of heat, making the soil temperature rise more constant, and shortening the time of hibernation. 4 Increased organic matter and microorganisms in the soil are conducive to the reproduction of various bugs, adding fresh natural foods for the earthworms and playing the role of “natural feedingâ€. Therefore, it is an effective method to help people improve their environmental conditions in the overwintering winter, which should be promoted. In addition, after the winter, the dragonfly recovered its ability to move and closed her breeding premises strictly to prevent her from fleeing.
Although the food sources of oysters are widely varied, they require fresh food and do not eat rancid food. So when artificial breeding, fresh feed must be thrown every 2-3 days. Before feeding, thoroughly remove the remaining foodstuffs. A large amount of food, strong hunger resistance. When you are hungry, you can eat 1/5 to 3/5 of your body weight at a time. After food is full, ten days and a half without food will not starve to death. At the same time, you are not thirsty and need to drink water every day. Therefore, water containers must be placed in the farm and the water must be changed regularly to keep the water fresh and clean.
2) Spawning and Hatching: Each year in the late spring and early summer, it is the spawning period of the cockroach. Each female quail usually lays 20 to 60 eggs, most of which are 40 to 50, and a few are 10 or less. Prior to spawning, the abdomen is close to the ground and self-drilling shallow caves. At the time of spawning, the body quailed into an "S" shape, and the eggs were produced in bunches from the genital hole in a self-dug hole. In the absence of external disturbance, spawning takes 2 to 3 hours. After the birth, the body was turned sideways, and the egg trays were gathered together into a group and held in the arms. The eggs produced by the quail are oval in shape and sizes, generally about 3 to 3.5 mm in diameter, beige, translucent, and the egg membranes are elastic.
蜈蚣 Incubation time is longer, generally takes 43 to 50 days. During the hatching process, the external shape and internal structure of the egg gradually change with the development of the embryo. One month later, the larvae appeared in the form of eggs. The body length was about 1.2 cm, and the larvae of the larvae in the eggs were visible. 35 to 40 days later, the larvae were about 1.5 cm long and could crawl up and down, but they could not leave the mother. 43 After about 45 days, the larvae have a body length of about 2.5 cm and can leave the mother to find food on their own. During the entire period of hatching, the mother's body has already accumulated enough nutrients, no need to feed, otherwise it is easy to cause the eggs or larvae to be contaminated by the food and be eaten by the mother, affecting the hatching rate and the survival rate of the larvae.
The mother does not leave the egg masses or larvae during incubation, and hatches and guards carefully. From time to time, use the tentacles to swing the body from side to side to catch other bugs, and use common claws to pluck or lick eggs or larvae. It has been observed that this is the fluid secreted by the basal or oral glands of the mother's forepaw to clean the egg mass or larvae to prevent the egg masses or larvae from being contaminated by bacteria and other contaminants.
During spawning or hatching, if disturbed by the outside world, it will stop spawning and eat all the eggs that have been produced or hatched. This is the so-called "protective" response. After spawning eggs, many eggs can be laid and hatched. However, the spawning period and incubation period of pupa are greatly delayed, and spawning is small, and the hatching rate is not high, which affects the yield and quality of alfalfa. Therefore, in the artificial breeding of earthworms, during the spawning and hatching of eggs, the surrounding environment should be kept quiet and should not be disturbed. This is a matter that must be paid attention to in aquaculture management.
3) Moulting and growth: Arthropods of crustaceans are covered with chitinous crustaceans, limiting their further growth and development. In order to get rid of the restrictions on further growth and development of carapace, it is necessary to molt several times during growth and development. Each time the skin is peeled, it obviously grows up once. In the development of embryos, it is necessary to molt three times. Adults usually have one swab once a year, and individual swine twice.
Moulting is mostly done in midsummer or after spawning. Changes in body color before the skin, slow movement, no food, visual acuity and antenna ability weakened. When tanned, it is carried forward from front to back and section by section. Finally, the tail is pulled out. The old skin of the armpits is wrinkled. When straightened, it is a complete skeleton. It takes about 2 hours to complete the fur. Do not disturb the skin when you do, otherwise it will extend the skin time. When artificially bred pelt, it is also necessary to prevent groups of ants from attacking it, or else it is easily bitten by ants.
The development speed of crickets is relatively slow. The larvae hatched from the first year to the pre-hibernation body was only about 3.3 to 3.9 cm in length, and the body length in the second year was only about 4.9 to 6.6 cm under adequate food conditions. Therefore, it usually takes 3 to 4 years from the development of the larvae to adult sexual maturity. The speed of growth and development is related to the adequacy of food and the length of time it takes to eat. Artificial fish found in the same year output of earthworms, indoor breeding than natural stocking growth and development faster. Therefore, the supply of sufficient fresh feed during breeding is one of the important conditions for increasing its yield.
4) Overwintering: The pupa is a temperature-changing animal. Changes in outside air temperature and altitude have a great influence on their lives. The cold winter threatens its life. In order to escape the threat of cold winter, it drilled underground and wintered in hibernation. During hibernation, the body is "S" shaped or "L" shaped. The depth of the drilled layer during hibernation is directly related to the temperature and the soil temperature. The lower the temperature and the soil temperature, the deeper the soil is drilled into the soil. When the temperature and soil temperature are higher, the soil is drilled into the soil. In general temperature and soil temperature conditions, many hibernations occur at 15 to 40cm in soil; when temperatures and soil temperatures are low, they can hibernate at 80 to 100cm in soil. If the soil temperature rises, it will not only delay the hibernation, but also hibernate in shallow soil or earth surfaces. It can be seen that the level of soil temperature is the key to affecting the length of hibernation and the depth of the soil. Therefore, in the culture, artificially improving the soil temperature in hibernation sites not only shortens the time of hibernation, makes it safe for winter, but also increases the normal life span of cockroaches and helps increase the production of cultured cockroaches. For example, on the eve of wintering in the midges, excavate 80 to 100 cm deep pits in the farm, mix the excavated mud and the collected mud and dust in a ratio of 2:1, pour it into the pit, and fill the pits. Then put a proper amount of brick pieces and place them. Then cover a fine layer of soil and finally cover the branches of hay. This improves the environmental conditions of wintering.
Before the improvement of wintering environmental conditions, the soil temperature was low, and the temperature of the soil in the early, middle, and late temperatures changed greatly. After the improvement, the soil temperature increased significantly. The change in temperature difference between early, middle and late is small, and it can basically keep the soil temperature unchanged in the same day, which is conducive to safe wintering. There are many benefits to the improvement of overwintering environmental conditions, including: 1 After deep turning, the soil is loosened, and the air in the soil is circulated. Because the soil cover is covered with fine soil, the heat in the soil under the brick block is not easy to dissipate. Insulation capacity; and the heat in the soil is easily distributed between the tiles, reducing the temperature difference between the early, middle and late days. 2 The brick pieces are prone to water absorption, resulting in a damp and wet environment. The bricks and tiles have large gaps and are conducive to the intrusion and inhabitation of earthworms. 3 After the garbage mixes with the soil, the waste quickly rots and decomposes, emitting a large amount of heat, making the soil temperature rise more constant, and shortening the time of hibernation. 4 Increased organic matter and microorganisms in the soil are conducive to the reproduction of various bugs, adding fresh natural foods for the earthworms and playing the role of “natural feedingâ€. Therefore, it is an effective method to help people improve their environmental conditions in the overwintering winter, which should be promoted. In addition, after the winter, the dragonfly recovered its ability to move and closed her breeding premises strictly to prevent her from fleeing.
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