Late autumn and early winter walnut tree management

According to walnut yield, land conditions, tree nutrients fertilization, combined with deep-rooted soil into the base fertilizer, the main base fertilizer organic fertilizer. Fertilizer should pay attention to the fertilizer and soil mix, can not be directly piled in the pit. After the fertilization, water should be poured in a timely manner to facilitate the absorption of basal fertilizer and accelerate the decomposition of fertilizer. The wintering water should be poured once before being frozen. When the topsoil is half dry, the rhizomes are partially buried and the tree trunks are painted white. Pruning large branches in winter, sparsely dense branches, pests and branches, shading branches and back branches, retracting drooping branches. After the fruit is harvested, it is plucked deep into the deciduous front and the depth is 25-30 cm. At the same time, the larvae of the walnut moth excavated from the soil are extirpated and eliminated.

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