Looking at the milk, the milk that is squeezed out by hand is honey-colored and has a paste. Most of the non-flowing milk is pregnant cows. If it is white and thin, and it will naturally flow out of the milk, it will be empty cows.
Looking at breast breast swelling, straightening the nipples is pregnant cows, and the opposite is not pregnant.
Looking at the Cow's Eyes The pregnant cow's iris is directly above the pupil and three specially exposed blood vessels appear on the iris. The so-called blood vessels in the pregnancy are protruding from the surface of the iris and appear purple. The blood vessels on the iris of pregnant cows did not appear to be small.
Look at the mouth to open the cow's mouth and look at the sublingual meat on both sides of the mouth. If it is bright red, it is a pregnant cow. If it is pink or pink, the cow is not pregnant.
The pressure-belly recognizing person stands on the left side of the cow and faces the rear, with his left hand assisting the cow's back and the right hand pressing lightly on the left belly, as if he feels something touching and hitting his hand, or seeing something touching under the belly of the belly. Explain that the cow is pregnant.
Alcohol test Take 100 milliliters of fresh milk of the cows to be tested, place them in a glassware after disinfection, and then take 1 milliliter of medical alcohol 1 milliliter and inject it into the fresh milk. Mix well and prove that cattle have agglutination in 5 minutes. Being pregnant, if it does not condense after half an hour, it proves that the cow is not pregnant.
Look at the tail if the cow's tail is covered with the vulva when it does not fling, and it is slanted to the left or right, indicating that the cow is pregnant. If the tail is vertically covered, the cow is not pregnant.
Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. , https://www.medicaldiverse.com