1. Before sprouting, fully sweep the orchard and completely scrape the ring spots and rough skin on the branches. Then apply 50% carbendazim wettable powder 50-100 times more penetrant, after the whole tree spray 50-100 times carbendazim or 5Be lime sulfur.
2, before and after the flowering period can focus on the spraying chlorbenzuron 3 1500-2000 times, dying net 2000 times, omethoate 1000 times and thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim and other fungicides, used to control leaf miner, red Spiders, aphids, leaf roller moths and various pests and diseases. Spray 50% carbendazim 600 times or thiophanate-methyl 800 times in 2-3 days before bagging. In addition, it is necessary to spray 2-3 times of amino acid calcium 500 times before flowering and before bagging.
3. After bagging, 200 times the amount of Bordeaux mixture, 80% of mancozeb, or M45 800 times of liquid are sprayed several times before the fruit is harvested. Generally, it is sprayed every 10-15 days.
4. Remove the fallen leaves, weeds, cut pests and branches, fruit, buried deeply or burned before wintering after harvesting fruits. Severe tree ring disease, the whole tree spray 100 times again carbendazim WP.
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