Some food processing companies with modern equipment have appeared to be unable to produce green food due to lack of support from green raw material bases. Liaodong Peninsula has a large-scale fruit juice processing company. It spends over 100 million yuan to import advanced production equipment from foreign countries and produces an annual output of more than 50,000 tons of various fruit juices. The company's juicer and ultra-fine filter are imported from Switzerland to ensure low impurity and high light transmittance of the juice. The aseptic filling machine comes from the United States and Italy. The high-temperature instant sterilization equipment can kill bacteria in a few seconds. After the raw materials are screened, they are pickled, causticized, squeezed and filled. The entire process is closed in the pipeline. This company has been put into production for four or five years, and it has been a period of time to bid for green juice. However, on the local green food directory, the reporter still has not found the products it produces. According to relevant departments, the main reason is that the amount of pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in fruit production is out of control and the juice loses its “green†roots. Green food not only imposes stringent sanitary requirements for processing, but also clearly specifies fertilizers, pesticides (veterinary drugs), feed use, and water and soil quality in raw material production. The relevant authorities conducted preliminary monitoring on the locality and found that pesticides and heavy metals in the orchard soil exceeded the standards, and there were also problems with excessive pesticide and fertilizer residues in the fruit. The problems encountered by this company have a certain degree of universality in the Northeast. The fruit orchard in Liaoning province has a total area of ​​more than 1100 mu. However, the green fruit base only has 70,000 mu of land in the south of Liaoning Province. It has an annual output of more than 50,000 tons of fruit, accounting for 6.25 inches and 1.4% of the province respectively. Zhang Yong, director of the Provincial Green Food Center, said that the proportion of green fruits in the province is too small. As for green juice, there is currently no one. If there is a green banner, the market share of the company will undoubtedly further expand. The decentralized management of one household and one lagging socialized unified service is an important reason that leads to the backwardness of fruit trees production and excessive utilization of medicines and fertilizers. Due to the lack of professional and technical personnel to guide and standardize the production process, the fruit growers only rely on experience to serve fruit trees. In order to pursue yield, the fruit growers are desperately on the fertilizer, a tree more than 10 kilograms, greatly exceeding the limit. The Guo Guo apple of Liaoning, which was once thin and sweet and palatable and dominating the domestic market, is nowadays less tasty and Bao Cui time has been shortened. The Red Fuji has already been squeezed out of the fresh fruit market in the past, and 500 g of two-triangle money is also rare. Thanks. In today's increasingly fierce competition in international agricultural products, "non-green" has emerged. After China's accession to the WTO, many countries have focused on setting up "green barriers" to protect their home markets in the event of the removal of tariff barriers. Losing "green" may lose a large market. A few years ago, a city in western Liaoning Province signed a 2,000-ton Red Fuji apple supply and marketing contract with Japan. Due to the excessive pesticide and fertilizer residues, only 6 tons of qualified products were selected, and the following year's contract was naturally lost. In recent years, food products produced by some food processing companies have also been repeatedly claimed for returning products due to excessive pesticide residues or heavy metals. In an interview, the reporter noted that some regions in Northeast China have begun to pay attention to the transformation of agricultural products from quantitative growth to quality growth. The Heilongjiang provincial government has invested more than 50 million yuan for the green food industry, and Jilin Province has organized the “Green Food Exhibition Week†to guide the green industry. For development, Liaoning Province plans to expand the monitoring area of ​​green food bases to more than 10 million mu this year, and the total output of green foods will strive to reach more than 500,000 tons. Chinese Agricultural Editor
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