Cabiralizumab conducts pancreatic cancer research BMS pays $25 million in milestone payments
January 30, 2018 Source: Sina Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Helen Collins, senior vice president and chief medical officer of Five Prime, said: "The effective treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer remains a major unmet clinical need, and the disease is also a cancer that has not been successfully cured by existing immunotherapy. I was encouraged by the preliminary data I received and I am very happy to see this experiment in progress."
It is expected that Phase 2 clinical trials will enroll approximately 160 patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer who progressed during or after one chemotherapy session.
In 2015, BMS and Five Prime Pharmaceuticals announced that they will jointly develop and commercialize Five Prime's colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) program, including the tumor-immune compound cabilalizumab in Phase I clinical trials. . BMS will fully monitor the development and manufacture of cabilalizumab. Five Prime has the right to further investigate the use of cabilalizumab in pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) and the binding of cabilalizumab to other immuno-tumor products within Five Prime.
Cabiralizumab, a research antibody that inhibits the CSF-1 receptor, has been shown to block the activation and survival of monocytes and macrophages in preclinical models. Inhibition of CSF1R in a preclinical model of several cancers reduces the number of immunosuppressive tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) in the tumor microenvironment, thereby facilitating the patient's immune response against the tumor. Currently, Cabiralizumab is conducting clinical trials for tumor indications and PVNS. (Sina Pharmaceutical Compilation / Fan Dongdong)
Article, image reference source: Five Prime Therapeutics Announces $25M Payment by Bristol-Myers Squibb for Cabiralizumab Development Milestone
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