Appropriate application of bacterial fertilizer eight attention

With the increase of farmers' awareness of biological bacterial fertilizer, the application of biological bacterial fertilizer in the production of fruits and vegetables has become more and more widespread. In the process of agricultural production, by adding biological bacterial fertilizer, it can reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers, reduce production costs, improve soil structure, eliminate soil compaction, and improve the quality of vegetables. How does the crop apply bio-fertilizer rationally?

First, choose a reliable product

Fertilizers must be stored in cool, cool, ventilated, and dark places to avoid failure. Some strains require a specific temperature range, so farmers should carefully select the product. Can not be free to choose overdue products, generally more than two years of biological bacterial fertilizer should be carefully selected. Units and individuals that do not have cryogenic storage conditions should use it within a short period of time after purchasing the biofertilizer.

Second, the use of methods should be properly

Bio-fertilizer can be used as basal fertilizer, spread, furrow or hole application; it can also be used as top-dressing, irrigation, flushing, spray and so on. Biofungus application is better, especially when more pathogenic bacteria are accumulated in the soil. In addition, the use of biofungus roots not only promotes the growth of vegetable roots, but also has a significant effect on inhibiting the occurrence of vegetable root diseases.

Third, to meet the conditions of biological fertilizer fertilizer

The strains in the fungus fertilizer can only effectively reflect the function of the fungus fertilizer after a large number of species are propagated in the soil, and in order to allow the bacteria species to reproduce as soon as possible, they must be provided with suitable environmental conditions. Good control of ground temperature, soil moisture, good soil aeration and appropriate soil pH.

Fourth, minimize microbial death

Avoid direct sunlight during application; add appropriate amount of water when removing roots. Bio-fertilizers should not be used in combination with insecticides, fungicides, and coated seeds containing insecticides and fungicides. Do not use pesticides to irrigate the roots after using the fungus fertilizer to avoid killing specific microorganisms in the fungicide.

Fifth, pay attention to apply organic fertilizer

Organic matter is the main source of energy for microorganisms, and organic matter decomposition can also supply microbial nutrients. If the organic fertilizer in the soil is insufficient, the biological bacteria will be used poorly due to lack of food. If there is sufficient supply of organic matter in the soil, the probiotics in the biological bacterial fertilizer will multiply in large numbers, thereby increasing the inhibition of harmful bacteria. Therefore, the application of biological fertilizer must pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer.

Six, and other fertilizers with the application

Microbial fertilizer itself has low nutrient content and must be applied with other fertilizers. In addition to the use of fertiliser in combination with ammonium bicarbonate and other fertilizers, there are many benefits to using it in combination with other fertilizers. When a large application of a large amount of fertilizer or chemical fertilizer is applied alone, it is easy to produce toxic side effects on crops, and if it is used after being mixed with a bacterial fertilizer, such problems do not occur.

Seven, pay attention to the amount of application

Applying more fertilizer to the soil will not cause burnt roots to sprout, but it is not better to apply more. Blind large-scale application of biological bacterial fertilizers will increase the accumulation of salt in vegetable plants, harm the health of consumers, and deteriorate the texture of soil. Therefore, the amount of fertilizer applied to biological bacteria should be scientifically determined according to the needs of different crops and the status of soil nutrients. In order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income.

8. It is not appropriate to use multiple biological bacterial fertilizers at the same time

Biofertilizers have a role to play and require the beneficial propagation of beneficial microorganisms to function. There are three kinds of relationships between microorganisms and microorganisms: alternate, symbiotic, and antagonistic. The antagonistic relationship includes antagonistic, parasitic, competitive, predatory, and other types. It is necessary to pay attention to the continuous supply of new bacterial fertilizers, such as the use of basal fertilizer, which can be followed by multiple biological bacterial fertilizers in order to expand the flora and improve control efficiency.

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