Yak fattening: The purpose is to produce veal from cattle. The meat is pale red, delicious and juicy, and the surface of the carcass is evenly covered with white fat. It is called "white meat" and its protein is 27.2%-63.8% higher than that of ordinary beef. The fat is 19-24 times lower, and the various amino acids needed by the human body are complete. It is an ideal high-grade beef. Western countries with high consumption levels have this consumption habit. The calf fattening method is that the selected bovine newborn weight is not less than 35 kg, and it is healthy and disease-free. It requires fast growth in the early stage. The specific approach is: first calf must eat colostrum 3 days before the first calf, 4 weeks old cows with breastfeeding, 5 weeks of age began to teach their feed fodder, and their collaterals restricted sports, 10 weeks of age on the amount of feeding the body weight 8%, high-quality hay or grass allows them to feed freely, with concentrates (corn group 42%, bran 25%, bean cake 15%, dry beet pulp 15%, calcium phosphate 0.3%, salt 0.2%, fish meal 2.5% ) Gradually increase the amount of feed. The finishing age of finishing is 6-8 months (up to 12 months), weight is 300-350 kg, slaughter rate can reach 60%. Breeding cattle fattening: Breeding cattle refers to the cows from the age of 6 months to 2 years old. At this time, they are in a period of vigorous growth. The fattening and weight gains are fast and the feed conversion rate is high. One is the strength and fattening of young cattle, that is, the calf is transferred to fattening immediately after weaning, and adopts highly nutritious feeding to maintain its daily weight gain of 1.2 kg or more. When the age is reached, the fattening is completed, and the live weight can reach 400 kg. . This method must use large-scale beef cattle or cross-bred cattle of China's improved breed cattle, in addition to feeding green feed, the formula of its concentrate feed is: corn 40%, bran 20%, cotton cake 38%, bone meal 1.5%, salt 0.5%. The other is a shelf cow aged one to one and a half years old. After about half a year's strength and fattening, she is aged from one and a half to two years old and weighs 450 kilograms. In the strength of fattening, the amount of mixed concentrate can account for 1.5% of the body weight. At this time, 3-3.5 kg of concentrate, 15 kg of corn silage, and 3-4.5 kg of high quality hay are fed. The formula of mixed concentrate is: 1 corn 40%, bean cake 26%, bran 28%, urea 2%, salt 1%, compound additive 3%; 2 corn 38%, sunflower cake 26%, bran 28%, calcium carbonate 3%, bone meal 3%, salt 2%. The breed uses hybrid cattle, preferably non-castrated bulls or calves. The advantages of this method are that the bones and digestive organs of cattle have been fully developed, and the feed utilization rate after entering the fattening fertilizer is high, the fattening cycle is short, the growth rate is fast, and it is suitable for beef cattle fattening in vast agricultural areas in China. Adult cattle fattening: Whether it is beef cattle, cattle for service, or cows to be eliminated can be used as fattening targets. The growth and development of these cattle have been stagnant, and the rate of meat production is low and the meat quality is poor. Therefore, a certain period of special fattening is required before slaughter. The general fattening time is controlled within 50-60 days. The first stage, 5-7 days, is mainly to tune the cattle trough and learn to eat mixed feed. It can be fed with a small amount of compounding materials and fed into the ammoniated straw feed, or the cows can be starved for 1-2 days before they are fed. After 2-3 days of training, the cattle can be fed on the trough. In the second stage of 10-12 days, based on the restoration of body condition, the compounding material was gradually added. Each cow was fed 700-750 grams of batch material per day and 100-120 grams of urea was fed 3 times.