Health and disease dogs are very different in appearance and physiology. Only by understanding what is a healthy dog ​​and what is a sick dog can a dog be diagnosed correctly, so that targeted treatment and administration can be achieved. This is very important for the treatment of dogs.
1. body temperature
The body temperature of healthy young calves is 38.5°C~39°C; the age of male fleas is 37.5°C~38.5°C, generally higher at night. The body temperature is low in the morning. The difference in body temperature is 0.2°C to 0.5°C.
The increase in body temperature within 1°C is slightly hot, and the increase in temperature from 1°C to 2°C is moderate fever, while the increase in body temperature is 2°C to 3°C as high fever.
2. pulse
The normal pulse period of Tibetan mastiff is 70~120 times. Juveniles are significantly more numerous than adults, and when they are in intense sports, overheated weather, fear and excitement, the pulse has a markedly different change. The pulse rate is significantly reduced and more common in poisoning or certain neurological diseases. If the pulse rate is significantly reduced, this is an increase in the pulse of bad signs, and more common are fever sickness, heart weakness, various kinds of anemia and hemorrhagic diseases, and severe pain diseases.
3. Breathe
Normal Tibetan mastiff breaths 15 to 30 times per minute. Physiological increase in the number of breathing can occur when exercising or excited. The number of puppies breathing is higher than that of adult dogs. Breeding frequency of pregnant female dogs increases, especially in late pregnancy. The number of Tibetan mastiffs breathing from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the interior increased.
The number of respirations decreased, some toxic diseases and metabolic balance disturbances occurred, and the internal pressure increased significantly.
Increased respiratory frequency, common in fever or respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia, pleurisy and diaphragm movement, brain and meningeal congestion.
4. eye
The eyes of healthy Tibetan mastiffs are dark red or black-yellow or light blue. The upper half of the eyeball is concealed in the eyelids. The eye has a smaller triangle. Some of the individual dogs are "eyes" or jade eyes and have no eyes. Hey, do not cry, and once raised his eyes and eyes, otherwise sick. Tibetan mastiff blinks 13,000 to 15,000 times a day. The dog with its eyes closed is a sick dog.
5. nostril
Healthy, disease-free scorpion with clean nostrils, no runny nose, small drops of water on the nose, wet; sick dogs, dry nose, dry hair, excreted scented fluid from the nostrils, and dirt on the nose The nose is hot and sneezing.
6. Oral
He Kang's disease-free award, there is no attachment outside the mouth, clean, mouth hair is not wet, the tongue naturally stretched out when cooling, tongue pink. Drooling down from the tongue; sick moles, dirty mouth with dirt, mouth wet hair.
7. Hearing
When there is movement, a healthy, disease-free cockroach looks up at the place where there is sound, and makes a roar and sees someone rushing upwards. The sick dog does not look up or up, does not rise, and does not shoot. Seeing people do not bite.
8. tail
The healthy cricket curled its tail on the cymbals, and it was chrysanthemum-shaped. When it was seen, the owner shook his head and wagged his tail. He was very divine; the sick cricket had his tail, his tail, and he could not lift his tail, and was listless.
9. Coat
Healthy beggars, coats hair. Glossy, back-and-shouldered hairs are women's shawl-shaped, prominent. The sick beggars are unkempt and dull, and the wool changes unevenly during the moulting season.
10. Spirituality
Key Kang’s voice listened to the owner’s call or listened to the command of the trainer. At the first sight, the spirit of the man was very full, and he was very angry. He saw that the heroic tigers moved to bite the cage; the sick crickets heard the owner’s call and refused to move. Walking up and down the road, lifeless and unspiritual.
11. Limbs
Healthy limbs are flexible and flexible. They take a strong and powerful path. They see strangers jumping up and biting; sick people are reluctant to move, and they do not look up, are unstable, and have some swings.
12. appetite
Healthy crickets, eating very sweet. After eating, the food bowl will be rinsed clean; sick crickets, do not want to eat, put the food to the mouth and do not sniff. Picking food, not eating utensils.
13. Rest state
1. The healthy cockroach rests with his head raised and sometimes his ears touch. When you hear the movement, you immediately get up or blink and look; the sick crickets fall freely and do not want to hear the sound.
14. Defecation
The healthy defecation is like sitting down when the hind leg bends, and the discharged will not be wet and dry and shiny, and the circumfluence will be net around the anus; the diseased defecation will be dry or thin, the feces will smell, and the stool After the stool is finished, the anus is not in the net, sometimes the defecation posture is always done, and there is little or no row.
15. urination
In a healthy cockroach, the male dog urinates a hind leg and raises it to the side. The expulsion is rapid. The bitch urinates and legs squat down. The sick dog urinates in a wrong posture and casually Urination. The disease-free dogs leave the sign of discharging urine all the way out and come back to find the original route. The sick man has no such instinct.
16. Smell
When you see something healthy, you smell it; if you are sick, you don't want to smell things. You don't even want food to sniff.
17. skin
Healthy skin is elastic, delicate, and full of hair; diseased skin, insufficiency, or bite the skin, scratch the skin.
18. The relationship between the dog and the owner
After seeing the owner, the healthy man jumped to the front and waved his head to the end of the play. He was lively and lovely. When he was sick, he saw the owner and he ignored it and refused to move.
19. Dog-to-dog relationship
Healthy dogs meet each other and play with each other, chasing each other. If two male dogs meet each other (except for living in an environment), especially if the strange dogs bite each other and you die, both lose and lose. The sick dogs are unsympathetic and unrelated to each other.
20. Sexy