First, pay special attention to keep warm and keep warm, so that the temperature of the breeding house is kept at 8 ~ 10 °C, the temperature of the lamb house is above 8 °C.
2. After the lamb is born, wipe off the mucus at the muzzle and let the ewes cleanse the body of the lamb. If the ewes do not suck, sprinkle the wheat bran or corn flour on the lamb.
Third, the ewes 3 days after the milk is called colostrum, which contains a large number of antibodies, can enhance the resistance of the lamb, but also contains vitamin A, a large number of protein, nutrient-rich, for the growth of the lamb and prevention of diarrhea has an important role. Therefore, the lamb should be allowed to suck enough colostrum for the first few days after birth.
Fourth, to strengthen the breeding of ewes, and feed more green and juicy succulent feeds such as lettuce leaves, ryegrass, radishes, red leeks, etc., and supplement concentrates, such as corn, bran, rice bran, etc., so that there is sufficient milk Feed the lamb.
5. If the ewes have little milk or the ewes die, the lambs can be fostered to nursing mothers. Nursing mothers need to find the ewes that have extremely high maternal output, particularly lambs with high levels of lactation. The ewes know the lambs by smell, so when fostering, they should put the breastmilk's milk on the foster lambs at night, or wipe the urine of the lambs on the nursing mother's nose to make the smell confusing and indistinguishable. Placed in the milk column, so 2 to 3 days, you can foster success.
6. After 15 days of birth, supplement the lambs and feed some corn flour, barley flour, wheat bran, and soy flour. Feeding amount: 15 to 20 days old, feeding 50 to 70 grams per day; 21 to 30 days old, feeding 100 to 150 grams per day; 31 to 60 days old, feeding 200 to 250 grams per day.
7. Lambs are sexually active and live 7 to 10 days after birth, allowing the lambs to enjoy the sun outside their homes. The initial time is 30 to 60 minutes, after which time is gradually extended. After 20 days, grazing can be performed with the ewes. If ewes are housed, a playground should be set up to allow the lambs to move and jump to promote the development of the lamb's skeleton.
Collagen is a triple helical protein which can be considered as the bio-glue inside our body; in fact, animal glue can be obtained by boiling the animal skin. Collagen, a major component of connective tissues, exits in the extracellular space of these tissues which are the key reinforcing and bonding materials for all tissues and organs throughout our body, forming rigid structures as such bone, semi-rigid tissues such as cartilage, or soft tissues such as muscle, tendon, skin, ligaments, and cell membranes, etc. There are different forms (fibrillar and non- fibrillar) and types of collagens in the body; Type 1 being the major type constitutes over 90% in our body and is the major component in skin, tendon, vascular ligature, organs, bone (main component of the organic part of bone). Because collagen is an essential building material of all tissues and organs, it has many medical uses, such as in cardiac (hear) applications, cosmetic surgery, bone grafts, tissue regeneration, reconstructive surgical uses, and wound healing care.
Collagen is created inside fibroblast cells, and this process is needed to support the creation and repair of the body`s connective tissues. However, the biological process starts to breakdown when we are aging, normally after we reach the age of late 20s or early 30s. Because collagen from natural sources such as animal, fish scales or plant contain essentially the same amino acid compositions (glycine, proline, alanine, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, lysine, leucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, etc.) as human collagen, supplement the body with the natural collagen, either by dermal application or through oral ingestion, can help rejuvenate collagen creation process to support the repairing of aging connective tissues in our body, particularly those in our skin, and to reverse or slow down the aging process for a more youthful appearance.
Hydrolyzed Collagen,Fish Collagen,Collagen Food,Collagen Cosmetic
Nanjing Sunshine Biotech Co., Ltd ,