Why do gray dates have gray
The gray jujube gets its name because if the jujube grows red before it matures, the whole body turns gray, like a layer of frost, so it is named "gray jujube."
The fruit is long and obovate, and the chin is slightly slender and slightly skewed. The average fruit weight is 12.3 grams and the maximum fruit weight is 13.3 grams. The fruit shoulder is slanted, thinner and slightly raised. The stem is small and medium deep. The top of the fruit is round and the top is slightly concave. The fruit surface is smoother. The peel is orange-red, before the white mature stage, it turns from green to grey, and it turns white from gray to white mature stage. This kind of ash resembles the dried ash of dried persimmons. Most of them are sugar, and they can be used with confidence.
Is gray ash harmful?
The gray jujube in southern Xinjiang will have some soil, some white, some green and normal. It is near the desert and it rarely rains. Dust is generally washed out with water and will not wash clean. When we eat nothing, we need to be careful. We must carefully wash and wash.
How to identify the gray dates
Look at the size: jujube large head, in general, known as the size of eggs, it is jujube; Hami dates, gray dates are small, but the largest but 3 to 4 cm.
Look at the fruit type: jujube is pear-shaped, two different sizes, shallow surface wrinkles, soft, hand grip has a sense of collapse; Hami jujube ball, smooth surface, soft; gray jujube cylindrical strip, surface wrinkles More and deeper, meat is tight.
Product sweetness: If the ash is the sweetest, the jujube kernel is flat and small; the jujube is soft and sour, and the Hami jujube is slightly bitter. If wolfberry ash date is thinner than gray ash in other areas, the skin is thinner, the meat is more mellow, like biting chocolate, there is a clear tooth mark, and the meat has a porcelain sensation.
Classification of gray dates
Fresh gray date acquisition grade and quality standards
Special grade: Fruit vertical diameter 3.6 cm or more.
A: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 3.3-3.5 cm.
Grade 2: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 3.0-3.2 cm.
Grade 3: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.7-2.9 cm.
Grade 4: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.3-2.6 cm.
Other grades: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.2 cm or less (including 2.2 cm).
Dry gray date acquisition grade and quality standards
Special grade: Fruit vertical diameter 3.6 cm or more.
A: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 3.3-3.5 cm.
Grade 2: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 3.0-3.2 cm.
Grade 3: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.7-2.9 cm.
Grade 4: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.3-2.6 cm.
Other grades: The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is 2.2 cm or less (including 2.2 cm).
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