First, change the short-throw contraction vines for the extension of the vine.
After the watermelon seedlings were unearthed, there were 6 short-cut sections above the cotyledons, and each short-cut section had a strong ability to divide the vines. In the past, watermelons were cultivated in short shortening sections and there were vines in the base. The production of watermelon is mostly triple vine pruning, that is, one main and two pairs. In practice, it is found that the short shortening has a strong ability to spread. In addition to the main vine, leaving two points in the short shortening vines, such a three-vine pruning often occur regardless of the primary and secondary, three go hand in hand. At times, the vines grow vigorously and exceed the main vines. Sometimes sitting on the main vine, sometimes sitting on the vine. When female flowers are open, they are relatively weak. The performance of the baby is small and round; the guaty is fine and short, the corolla is small and weak, and it will not grow into a big melon in the future. Change the short contraction to keep the vine spread for the extension of the vine, that is, remove all the short-throw vines, so that the main vine extension and then left in the main vine two points spread. The main vine spreads about 30 centimeters. Select two symmetry points and leave two points. This three-vine pruning method has been clearly followed. The main vine grows thick and powerful, and will stay on the main vine in the future. When the female flowers are open, the young larvae are large and long, and the guati is long and thick, and the corolla is large and strong. This kind of young melon can grow into a big melon in the future. The two vines that are left on the main vine do not sit on melons, and they perform photosynthesis and produce nutrients to supply the main vines.
Second, change the single-channel fertilization to double-channel fertilization.
In watermelon production, many melon farmers open a ditch with a depth of 20-30 centimeters each, and all the fertilizer is concentrated in this ditch. After ridiculing fertilization, the fertilizer is on the ridge under the ridge, so there are many problems: 1 melon is planted in the fertilizer ditch, due to more fat and concentrated, melon seedlings easily over prosperous. 2 Sometimes there are burning seedlings, including dead seedlings and no seedlings. 3 When sitting in the melon, many roots of the watermelon have been given a range of fertilizer, resulting in a lack of nutrients long enough to become a big melon. The single-channel fertilization was changed to double-channel fertilization to overcome the above problems. The method is: 20-30 cm apart, two deep and 20-30 cm wide trenches, fertilizer applied in two trenches. After ridging, the melons are planted between the two fat sewers. In general land, the melon seedlings will not be weak, and the root system will soon be able to absorb the fat, but it will not be too long for the prosperous growers to burn the seedlings. After sitting on the melon, most of the roots are still within the scope of the two fertilizers, so the melon grows large.
The two technological reforms are easy to operate, do not spend more, and increase production significantly. The majority of melon farmers may wish to try.
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