The Role of Mechanized Dry Fertilization, Fermentation and Sowing Techniques in Agricultural Production

Mechanized dry farming fertilization and sowing technology is the use of machinery, the surface of dry soil pushed to both sides, the formation of ridges, seeds, fertilizer according to agronomy requirements sowed in the ditch, fertilizer deeper than the seed 3 cm, to achieve fertilizer isolation. One-off process such as ditching, fertilizing, sowing, earth covering, and repression can be completed in one go. The conditions of soil, water, fertilizer, seed, light, gas, and heat are effectively used to improve the conditions for the growth and development of the crop, improve the quality of sowing, and cultivate strong seedlings. , so as to obtain a high yield of a scientific cultivation technology. According to many years of practice, combined with comparative experiments, it is believed that the sulking technology has the following advantages: Accumulation of rainwater, increase soil moisture content Field wide and narrow layout, ditch and white, easy to gather rain, water evaporation in the ditch less loss of light, in 0 cm to 20 cm of soil, than the broadcast water content increased by 2.43% (birth Period), 1.23% (joining period). 2. Increasing fertilization efficiency and increasing soil nutrients This technique uses fertiliser sowing and fertilization. Fertilizers use deep lateral methods to reduce their volatilization losses, improve fertilizer utilization, and effectively increase soil nutrients. 3. Raising the ground temperature to prevent freeze-dried fields between furrows, so that the formation of a kind of optimized micro-climate in the soil to absorb heat and heat slowly, can effectively regulate the ground temperature and prevent freezing damage. In the soil of 0 cm to 20 cm, the geothermal temperature is increased by 1°C to 3°C. 4. Rapid emergence, Miao Qi, Miao uniform, Miao Zhuanggou moisture, temperature conditions are conducive to seed germination. Sewage sowing earlier than the emergence of seedlings 2 days to 3 days, the emergence rate increased 3.26% to 3.4%. 5. The roots were well-developed, and 5.3 primary roots and 7.2 secondary roots were planted in wheat in a strong vigour. The primary roots increased by 1.1 and the secondary roots increased by 1.2. 6. Protecting the growth of panicles and increasing yield Because the water, fertilizer, gas, heat, and light conditions in the channel are good, the roots are well developed, and the plants are robust, which promotes the tillering, and the rate of spike formation is high. An increase of horizontal seed furrow sowing tiller 0.04 ~ 0.1; 1.6 million to 40,000 mu spike; 1.4 cm spike length increases, the number of grain increased 3.2 ~ 4.4, grain weight 2.45 grams to 2.7 grams, mu yield 20 kg or so. 7. Lodging and senility wide and narrow row rational layout, good ventilation and light, play a marginal effect fully extend the crop growth period, to prevent premature aging; furrow sowing cultivation state created a ridge ditch staggered, wind and sun during the growing period, the ridge The soil naturally flows into the ditch to reinforce the roots and increase the resistance to lodging. 8. The fertilization is accurate and uniform, and the efficiency of the implements is high. A sufficient amount of base fertilizer can be applied at one time by the groove seeder, and the amount of fertilizer can be accurately adjusted according to agronomic requirements. At the same time, multiple processes are completed at one time, reducing energy consumption and improving work efficiency.

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