The technical state of agricultural machinery gradually deteriorates with the increase of the use time. Mainly manifested in: the quality of work is reduced, the energy consumption is increased, and the reliability of the work is reduced. The main reason for the failure of agricultural machinery to work properly is the wear and corrosion of machine parts, especially the main moving parts. The machine is subject to vibration and impact during work, loosening the fixing parts and connecting parts, causing malfunction of parts and components; Improper storage, resulting in deformation of parts, corrosion and aging and damage. Therefore, in order to prolong the service life of the machine, the machine often maintains a good state of technology to prevent malfunctions and accidents. According to the wear and erosion rules of the parts and other reasons that deteriorate the technical condition of the machine, the machine must be maintained frequently. maintenance. 1. Trial Operation of Agricultural Machines Before agricultural machinery is officially put into use, after major repairs or replacement of main parts, it is necessary to work at idle and light loads for a certain period of time so that the machine can be initially grounded. Make agricultural machinery reach the best technical condition. 1.1 Test run of diesel engine 1.1.1 Empty operation First, make the diesel engine run at low speed for half an hour, and check if there is any abnormality. After another 1-2 hours of operation, and finally run at rated speed for 20-30 hours. 1.1.2 light load running with 1/3 load operation for 10 hours, then use 1/2 load operation for 15-20 hours, and finally with 2 / 3 load operation for 10 hours. 1.1.3 The full running time is about 50 hours for full load operation for 10 hours. Before starting the running-in, check the connection of diesel engine parts: whether the oil pan, diesel tank, and water tank are full of oil, diesel, and cooling water as required, and observe whether there is any oil leakage, water leakage, or air leakage. Then use a crank to crank the crankshaft, check the working condition of the fuel supply system, and listen to the internal parts of the machine for any impact. During the running-in process, pay attention to the sound of the machine and observe whether the oil pressure and the water temperature are normal. After the running-in is completed, the oil in the oil pan should be released hot, the oil pan, crankcase and oil filter should be cleaned and the oil should be replaced; check the main bearing, connecting rod bearing, connecting rod balance iron, cylinder head, flywheel, etc. Tightening conditions; check the valve clearance and adjust if necessary. 1.2 Test run of the tractor 1.2.1 The idle operation of the engine is the same as the idle run-in procedure of the diesel engine. 1.2.2 The tractor's empty row is run through the tractor's air line until the water temperature of the engine reaches 60C. From the low gear to the high gear, the forward and backward gears are reversed. Each gear should be slowly turned left and right. 1.2.3 Tractor load-sharing The tractor drags different farm implements to combine operations. The load runs from small to large one by one, and the load-sharing of the tractor is combined with the engine load-grinding contract. During the running-in process, it is necessary to listen to the sound of machine work, whether there are abnormal noises, observe the smoke color of engine exhaust, and pay attention to the readings of each indicating instrument, and whether there is any leakage, leakage or leakage of each connecting pipe. After running-in, the engine oil sump, gearbox, rear axle housing and final drive housing should be replaced with lubricating oil. The old oil must be removed from the heat, and the new oil should be re-added after cleaning with hot diesel oil; tighten the cylinder head nut, Check the valve clearance adjustment and check and tighten the screws of other connecting parts; fill each lubrication point with lubricating oil as required. Running-in is a very important task. The quality of running-in has a direct impact on the machine's technical condition and service life. 1.3 Trial operation of agricultural implements Traction and suspended agricultural implements are relatively simple because of their simple structure. They only need to be run-in for a short period of time according to the specifications before the formal operation, and the malfunctions can be properly adjusted and eliminated. Self-propelled agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters and some complex-structured agricultural machinery have engines, transmissions, and traveling devices. They have complex structures, high speeds, and heavy loads. They must undergo long-term commissioning and their commissioning procedures. Similar to tractors, specific operations are performed according to the requirements in their respective specifications. 2. Maintenance of agricultural machines Agricultural machines have had favorable conditions for use after normal test operations. However, after they are put into production, their state of technology will be gradually deteriorated due to factors such as high temperature in operation, vibration and friction of various moving parts. In order to prevent early wear and failure of the machine, and ensure that the machine is always in a good state of technology and prolongs its service life, the various parts of the machine should be regularly cleaned, lubricated, tightened, checked, adjusted, replaced, repaired, etc. during use. Measures. 2.1 Technical Maintenance of Diesel Engines and Tractors The technical maintenance of tractors is divided into maintenance and regular maintenance at the beginning or end of each operation. The maintenance of the tractor is as follows: Remove dirt and oil from the machine. If working in a dusty environment, clean the air cleaner. Check the tank water level, fuel tank oil level, crankcase oil level, transmission oil level, and hydraulic oil level. If insufficient, add it in time. Fill grease with grease. Check for looseness of external bolts and nuts. Check for oil leaks, leaks, and leaks. Observe whether the oil pressure gauge is working properly and the indication is correct. If it is not correct, check whether the pressure gauge is out of order, whether the oil pump is working properly, and whether the filter is blocked. It is forbidden to work in the event of a faulty lubrication system. Check the working conditions of the tractor control mechanisms, whether the abnormal sound of each component. Clean the diesel box filter, air cleaner, and replace the oil in the filter oil pan with clean diesel every 50 hours. Clean the air filter and diesel filter with clean kerosene or diesel every 100 hours, check and adjust the valve clearance and clutch clearance. The new machine should clean the oil pan and change the oil after the first 100 hours. Every 200 hours should clean the oil pan and replace the oil; clean the oil filter; replace the diesel filter cartridge. The maintenance of the diesel engine and the tractor is roughly the same. To highlight the "three filter" maintenance, proper installation after maintenance, especially whether the seals are complete, the number is complete, and the installation is correct. 2.2 Maintenance of farm implements Technical maintenance of agricultural implements is divided into maintenance and regular maintenance. The main contents of maintenance of farm machinery and equipment are: remove dirt, dust and dirt; check the status and installation of the working part of the machine; check and tighten all nuts; and lubricate according to the lubrication points specified in the manual. Due to the poor working conditions of agricultural machinery, and the various agencies have relatively rough, poor sealing of the movement part or no sealing device, therefore, in every 2-3 hours or 4-5 hours, some bearings need to be lubricated to check the work of the machine. The status of the components, if necessary, to adjust. The agricultural machinery such as plutonium, repressor, seeder, and cultivator, which are generally simple in structure and have a short working time in a year, do not have regular maintenance except for the maintenance of each class. Due to heavy work and continuous use for a long time, the plough should undergo a full-scale technical inspection after the completion of the phase work to replace and repair worn or deformed parts. Self-provided engine combine harvesters have complicated facilities and require regular maintenance. Generally, they are carried out twice. They are carried out according to the specification after harvesting a certain area. The contents of regular maintenance, in addition to the contents of each maintenance, are mainly to observe and check the status of all parts and mechanisms, troubleshoot, and replace worn parts. The maintenance contents of the engine and the walking part are the same as those of the related department of the tractor. Due to the short period of operation of most agricultural implements, regular maintenance is usually carried out together with maintenance and adjustment after the completion of operations. For long-term agricultural implements, in order to reduce the unit's rest, regular maintenance is also carried out together with the regular maintenance of the tractor.
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