The nutritional value of shrimp

The nutritional value of shrimp I do not know if you like it or not. In fact, shrimp is a creature with rich nutritional value! Let's learn about it together!

Nutritional value 1. Shrimp is rich in nutrients, and its flesh is soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for those who are frail and need to be nursed back to health after illness.

2, shrimp is rich in magnesium, magnesium has an important regulatory role in heart activity, can well protect the cardiovascular system, it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent arteriosclerosis, while also expanding the coronary artery, is conducive to prevention Hypertension and myocardial infarction;

3, shrimp Tongliu role is strong, and rich in phosphorus, calcium, especially beneficial to children, pregnant women;

4. Scientists from the Osaka University in Japan recently discovered that astaxanthin in shrimps helps to eliminate the "jitters" caused by jet lag.

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