The elongation of leaf sheath cells of pseudo-stemmed scallions requires a dark and moist environment and is based on the input and accumulation of nutrients. Therefore, staged soil cultivation is an important measure to prevent lodging, soften leaf sheaths, lengthen the length of light blue, and increase light blue yield and quality. The earth should be carried out after entering a period of vigorous growth, after the climate and the earth's temperature have cooled. From the beginning of the autumn to the harvest, generally three or four times of soil cultivation, the first two times combined with the cultivator, the ridge into the onion sulcus, will fill the ditch before and after the heat; after the original ridge back into the ditch, onion ditch becomes ridge back . The height of the soil should be determined according to the height of the growth of the pseudo-stem, generally 3 to 4 cm, and the soil should be cultured to the leaf outlet at the top of the blade. The heart and leaf must not be buried to prevent the leaves from rot. When soil is cultivated, the width of soil taken should not exceed 1/3 of the row spacing and 1/2 of the depth of the planting trench to prevent damage to the root system.
Hot-dip galvanization is a form of galvanization. It is the process of coating iron and steel with zinc, which alloys with the surface of the base metal when immersing the metal in a bath of molten zinc at a temperature of around 840 °F (449 °C). When exposed to the atmosphere, the pure zinc (Zn) reacts with oxygen (O2) to form zinc oxide (ZnO), which further reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2) to form zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), a usually dull grey, fairly strong material that protects the steel underneath from further corrosion in many circumstances. Galvanized steel is widely used in applications where corrosion resistance is needed without the cost of stainless steel, and is considered superior in terms of cost and life-cycle.
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