The Efficacy and Effect of Ephedra


Sweat and coldness, Xuanfei asthma, diuresis swelling.

This product sweating solution and strong water swelling, and more for the cold table demonstration, chest tightness, cough, sputum, feng shui edema, rheumatism, genital warts, hemorrhoids nucleus. Honey ephedra is warm and partially moistened, and the symptomatic sweating function is relieved. It enhances the function of lungs and coughs and relieves cough. Mostly used to symptomatic solution, asthma cough. The effect of ephedra is alleviated and it is suitable for the elderly, infants and virtual persons suffering from cold and cold. The effect of honey ephedra is more moderate, and it is suitable for the elderly, infants and physically deficient patients who have been cured and have recovered from coughing and coughing.


1. For exogenous cold, chills, fever, head and body pain, stuffy nose, no sweat, pulse floating tight and other forms of evidence. The product can breathe in lungs, open up the mind, spread cold, and sweat to solve the table. Often used with cassia twigs must be used to enhance sweating and relieving force, such as ephedra soup.

2. For the cold outside the beam, lung phlegm caused by cough cough. Can open air, spread cold and asthma. The combination of almond and licorice, namely Sancha Decoction, can enhance the anti-asthmatic effect; if there is a cold drink, it can be combined with Asarum, Ginger, Pinellia, etc. to warm the cold drink and relieve asthma, such as Xiaoqinglongtang; Is a hot evil lung caused by cough, can be with gypsum, almonds, licorice and other compatibility to clear the lungs and asthma, that Maxin Shigan soup.

3. For edema and phenomenology, Xuanfei diuretic to the drug, the product sweating and diuresis, help disperse edema, often with ginger, Atractylodes equivalent use, such as the more phlegm plus surgery soup.

4. Take ephedra to disperse the effect of cold and evil, and with other corresponding drugs can cure rheumatism and pain, haze, hemorrhoids and other cards. With the rehmannia, cinnamon, white mustard and other compatibility, such as Yang and soup.

[Usage usage] 2-9 grams. Should be after the next. Relieve the students with the use of anti-asthmatic use; Qiangrong ease sweating, children, old and frail are advised to use ephedra or moxibustion.

【Precautions】 This product has strong sweating power. Therefore, the form of spontaneous sweating and yin deficiency, sweating, and coughing should all be used with caution when the kidneys are not satisfied. This product can be used with caution in patients with central nervous system, sweating and insomnia.

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