For livestock breeding, if the whole food is fed with high-quality food, the cost will be very high, and it may not be able to obtain a good input-output ratio. How to reduce the cost of feed, but also meet the needs of livestock growth and development? More and more people are turning their attention to crop stalks. Although the crude fiber content of straw is high, it is difficult to be digested and absorbed by livestock, and nutrients can be used less and the palatability is poor. However, after treatment with the fermented product of Ginba straw, it has good digestion and absorption, nutrition is more comprehensive, and it can also improve livestock immunity. Reduce feed costs and increase the economic efficiency of livestock breeding. Specifically, it can be expressed in the following aspects:
1, degrade crude fiber, digestion and absorption easier. With the combined effects of the functional bacteria and related chemical substances contained in the product, the golden bait straw fermentation starter can undergo a series of complex biochemical actions to change the physical and chemical properties of the straw. The crude fiber contained therein is degraded into small molecules such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, and amino acids that are easily digested and absorbed by animals, thereby increasing the digestion and absorption rate of the feed and playing a role in the deep biochemical processing of the feed machinery.
2, microorganisms show supernatural powers, more nutritious and more comprehensive. At the same time, in the biological treatment process of straws, the golden buckthorn straw fermentation broth will produce and accumulate a large number of nutrient-rich microbial cell proteins and other useful metabolites, such as organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, vitamins, antibiotics, traces Elements, etc., make the feed soft and fragrant and nutrients increase. And contains a variety of digestive enzymes, a variety of unknown growth factors, can enhance the disease resistance of livestock, stimulate their growth and development, some metabolites also have antiseptic effect on feed (such as lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, etc.), can extend the shelf life of feed .
3. The feeding effect is good and the price is low, which applies to almost all livestock and poultry. The use of straw feed to feed dairy cows only increases production capacity and milk quality, and the price of high protein biological straw feed is still far below the price of whole plant corn silage and Leymus chinensis. Straw feedstuffs produced by the Kimber straw straw starter can be used for almost all pigs (pig is best used for pigs to ferment straw with the Kinpo 2 feed starter), chickens, cattle, horses, sheep, etc. The production of straw fermentation feeds has expanded the quality of forage feed and silage sources, and has opened up China's second grassland resources. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Telephone toll-free hotline Website: Taobao Website:
Recommended reading
1. Production method of straw fermented goose feed
2. Golden Baby Feed Fermenter produces high-quality cottonseed cake feed
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an essential vitamin that is well known for its effects on the immune system. L ascorbic acid bulk vitamin C powder is naturally sour and is commonly used in candy to add a sour taste. When it is ingested, it goes to work circulating through all of the watery areas of the human body (once it has been absorbed into the intestines, of course). From there, ascorbic acid may help in the fortification of collagen while acting as an antioxidant during the trip. It may also assist in the repair of damaged tissue and in helping to maintain healthy levels of collagen in already healthy individuals. Vitamin C also has a host of other general uses.L-ascorbic acid bulk vitamin C powder is a colorless crystal, odourless, acidic taste. Soluble in water and ethanol. Stable in dry air , and its solution is not stable. As well as, L-ascorbic acid bulk vitamin C powder takes part in many metabolism procedures in the human body, helps decrease brittleness of blood capillaries and increase body resistance
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