Grape seedlings are planted in summer and nursery in autumn is an effective way to shorten the nursery cycle. It has the advantages of short time, reduced winter storage process and high survival rate of seedlings, good quality and quick effect. The technical requirements are as follows: 1. The cutting time is from June to August. When the new vine has grown to 5 to 10 knots and is basically lignified, it is the best time for cutting. Second, seedbed preparation seedbed requires good lighting, drainage and irrigation are convenient, soil loose and fertile. After the seedlings are selected, they are ploughed and leveled to form a seed bed that is 1 to 1.2 meters wide, with a spacing of 6 to 8 centimeters. At the same time, stands and branches are prepared for shading. Third, the cutting operation should be selected cuttings lignification, buds were yellow-brown spring vines, cut into small pieces of 20 cm to 25 cm. The tip of the cutting leaves 1 leaf. The other leaves are cut along with the petiole and the lower end is cut into a horse-shaped shape from outside the shoot. After inserting the cutting, the seedbed is inserted into the seedbed in a timely manner. Water is poured and a shade shed is established. The height of the shed is 0.8 to 1 meter. The shed is the same width and width. After plugging in, bed soil should be kept moist and not watered. After 15 to 20 days after insertion, the sheds can be gradually removed by cuttings and buds. Before cutting, if conditions permit, use 50 ppm to 70 ppm of indole acetic acid to soak the base of the cuttings for 6 to 8 hours, or use 1000 to 3000 in. acetic acid for 5 seconds, or treat with rooting powder to increase the survival rate of the summer plug. . When the grape is inserted in the summer, the cuttings that are cut are prone to losing water and should be inserted with the scissors. After sprouting, a small amount of fertilizer was applied in small quantities to ensure the quality of seedlings in the fall.
Single Use Trocar Site Closure Device
A fascial closure device is a laparoscopic instrument used to close the fascia, the layer of tissue that covers and separates abdominal organs and muscles. The device is used during laparoscopic surgery to create a secure closure of the fascia after the surgical procedure is complete.
The fascial closure device consists of a needle and suture material attached to a handle. A needle is used to puncture the fascia, then suture material is passed through the puncture site and tied tightly to close the fascia. The device's handle is used to control the movement of the needle and suture material, allowing precise placement and closure of the fascia.
The use of fascial closure devices during laparoscopic surgery can help reduce the risk of postoperative complications such as hernias, wound infections, and intestinal obstruction. It also closes the fascia more quickly and efficiently, reducing the overall time required for the procedure.
Single Use Trocar Site Closure Device,Medical Use Fascial Closure System,Single Use Fascial Closure System,Exit Fascia Closure Device
Changzhou Weipu Medical Devices Co., Ltd. ,