Strong chlorine-soaked rice can prevent bacterial leaf blight

Bacterial blight in rice, commonly known as wind, leafhoppers, etc., is a devastating quarantine disease that, once introduced, spread rapidly and is difficult to eradicate. According to the survey, the disease can generally reduce rice production by 10% to 30%, severely reduce production by 50%, and even particles are not received. The Rencheng District of Jining City is a large area for rice cultivation. Each year, certain areas suffer harm to varying degrees. Through a few years of experiments, the use of rice sterilization disinfectant - strong chlorine extract to soak seeds, the effect is significant, and bacterial blight is effectively controlled. How to use: Every 4~5kg rice seed should be pre-soaked with clean water for 12 hours, and then remove the liquid immersed in 1 package (10g) of water for strengthening the Chlorine solution (3g~5kg) and wash it with water after 12 hours. Germination can be germination.

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