1. Harvesting period of harvesting sweet corn is 23-25 ​​days after the filaments are extracted. The picking period of waxy corn and high-nutritional corn is not later than 28 days after the filaments are extracted. The tender corn that is picked should be processed in time to prevent rain and sunlight, and mechanical damage should be avoided as much as possible. Sweet corn should be kept in a cool, ventilated place for a short time and must not be piled up. From picking to processing should generally be controlled within 5 days, and promote processing while mining. 2. Skinning, inspection manual peeling, in addition to net corn. According to product standards, unprocessable ears, such as deformity and shortness, are removed, and green bars with unfavorable maturity and severe threshing, dryness, and pests are selected. 3. Soak and clean soak corn sticks in 2% saline for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle salt solution every 4000 ears. Soak the tender corn sticks in clean water for 5 minutes. 4. Blinding is the most critical process. The function of blanching is: 1 Inactivate the enzymes in the tender sticks and prevent the nutrition in the tender sticks from being destroyed. These enzymes do not inactivate even at freezing temperatures. 2 Kill microorganisms and eggs attached to the surface of the ear to ensure food safety. 3 Exclude the air in tender corn, reduce the pressure of ice crystal formation during freezing, and reduce the oxidation of raw materials accordingly, so as to help maintain the color and nutrition of the product. 4 to prevent aging products, cooked hot, improve the taste. Using hot steam blanching process, temperature control 95-105 °C, time 10-15 minutes. 5. The buffed and tenderized bar should be cooled immediately to ensure the product's color. In order to save water, a subsection cooling method can be used, but the central temperature of the tender bars in the endmost cooling tank should be controlled at 10°C. 6. Drain the tender sticks must be drained before quick freezing, otherwise it will freeze into ice, not only beautiful, but also difficult to package, and more power consumption. The equipment can be drained or drained naturally by draining the tender corn on the drawer for about 10 minutes. 7. According to the requirements of the company's standards, repairs should be carried out with the removal of filaments, removal of heads and tails, and the length of processed corn sticks should be strictly controlled at around 17, 14 and 10 m. 8. Quick freezing and freezing is a determinant of product quality. The shorter the quick freezing time, the better the product quality. Slow or slow freezing, the worse the product quality. In the -35 °C air-frozen frozen time, so that the temperature of the tender corn cobs quickly dropped below -18 °C. 9. Inspection, packaging inspection of the appearance of tender corn sticks meet the requirements of quality standards. The qualified quick-frozen corn sticks were packed in plastic bags and vacuum-packed. Two spikes per bag were sealed and the production date was marked and sealed. 10. Store Frozen corn sticks in a cold storage at -18°C. Shelf life is 12 months.
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