First, the main characteristics of Small Tail Han sheep Small Tail Han sheep, also known as Luxi sheep. It is mainly distributed in the Yellow River Basin of the adjoining five provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, and Chongqing, among which Shandong is the major producing area of ​​Xiaowei Han sheep. The vocal form of the Little Ending Han sheep is larger among local cotton sheep breeds in China, with 20 kg of weaned rams, 19 kg of ewes, 94 kg of rams for adults and 49 kg of ewes. Special grade rams reach 131 kilograms and ewe reach 72 kilograms. The 18-month-old Han sheep of the Small Tail Han sheep weighed 43 kilograms and had a slaughter rate of 56% and a net meat rate of 47%. Excellent flesh, bright color, light red to bright red flesh, fine meat, moderate amounts of fat between muscle fibers, the appearance of marble-like. It can be cut into ideal slices when cooking. Small tailed sheep are delicious and have a strong aroma after cooking. They have a small flavor and a good taste. Small-tailed Han sheep can be 2 years 3 or 1 year 2 children, and each child is 2-3 lambs, the average lambing rate is 261%. 2. Breeding of Small Tail Han Sheep 1. Sexual Maturity: Sexual maturity of ewes is 176 days old and rams are 5-6 months old. 2, the initial allocation of sheep age: ewes 8 months of age, rams 1 year old. 3, breeding years: 8-10 years. At the age of 3-4, the fertility is strongest. After 7-8 years old, fertility is greatly reduced, so the sheep should be eliminated after 8 years old. 4, estrus law: ewes can be estrus all year round, with the most vigorous spring and autumn. 5, estrus cycle: 30-32 days. 6, estrus duration: 1-2 days. 7, breeding time: 1 year 2 children, can be breeding in March-April, 8-9 months of lambing; 9-10 months breeding. The second child was born in February-March. 8. Efforts to improve breeding of ewes: (1) Raising nutrient levels, and feeding ewes with high quality forage grass feed. Separate groups of rams and lean sheep should be fed with some protein-containing feed. (2) Strengthen the breeding of sheep. Optional high yield ewes can also increase the proportion of ewes in the flock. (3) Improve breeding techniques. Master the timing of breeding. Or artificial insemination. (4) Fertilized egg transplantation. By using superovulation technology, more fertilized eggs are obtained from high-quality ewes, and these fertilized eggs are then transplanted into the estrus of the same period, but the ewes have low sexual capabilities. Sheep's fertility. Third, fattening mutton of Small Tail Han sheep is one of the important products of the sheep industry. In adulthood where no seedlings are used, young rams and ewes that lose reproductive value should first be slaughtered after fattening. The slaughter rate of sheep after fattening is high, meat is tender, and meat is produced at the same time, which can increase the income of raising sheep. Small tail Han sheep fattening measures are: (1) feed feeding method is a small number of meals, to increase appetite should add a small amount of salt, in order to appetizers feed green feed; (2) fattening rams should castrate; (3) limit exercise; ( 4) The fattening period is 75-100 days; (5) Small-tail Han sheep fattening can be divided into lamb fattening and adult sheep fattening. Lamb fattening is more favorable and should be strongly promoted.
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