I. Biological characteristics (1) Taxonomic status Black-bone chickens belong to the family of birds, chicken-shaped heads, cockroaches and chickens. Silky chicken has not yet had a complete breeding system and classification in China. At present, the standard variety recognized internationally is Taihe Silky Chicken. In Li Shizhen (Compendium of Materia Medica), the black-bone chickens were divided into three types: medicinal black-bone chicken, anti-wool black-bone chicken, and Taihe old chicken. At present, there are differences in the form and production performance of black-bone chicken raised nationwide due to different requirements for feeding and management conditions, climatic conditions, feeding methods, and purposes.
(B) Morphological characteristics Black chicken shape like a chicken, but compared with the chicken, body short and small, short head and neck, under the amount of beard, blue leaves in the ear green, plumage white, in addition to wings feather Outside, the body was velvet-like rewind. The top of the head is covered with fine hairs. The top of the male is crowned with a round crown. The female wears a white pompom, and there are fine short hairs on the upper jaw and cheeks. It is divided into 5 toes, hairy feet, many hairs and dense eyes, pimple, tongue, skin, flesh, bones, toes, viscera and fat are all black and black. It is full of melanin, and only the feathers are white as snow. Wuji Baifeng" is called. Therefore, the black bone chicken has a light body and a peculiar appearance. Some people call it "the tenth bird." "Shiquan" refers to the purple crown (Sang chess crown), the steamed bun (the top crown is like a hat), the green ear, the hair foot (the plume), and the silk hair. Beard, five claws. Uchi, black bones, black meat, etc., black bone chicken is not anti-eye, pimple, tongue, toe is black, internal organs and fat are black.
(C) Habitus Growth and development of fast-growing chickens, from the shell to the same age of black bone chicken, body weight 10-30 times the birth weight. Adult silkies are 33 to 40 times as heavy as their newborns. Silkies are relatively poorly digested. The stomach of the pheasant chicken is weak, and it has poor digestibility of crude fiber. In the diet, it should be suitable for feeds that are easy to digest, high in nutrients, and low in crude fiber. Silky chickens have poor disease resistance and are vulnerable to various diseases. The ability to regulate body temperature is also poor. Especially chickens. Small, delicate and vulnerable to environmental conditions. 0 to 7-day-old chicks, body temperature is only 39.8 °C, lower than the adult chicken 1-2 °C, afraid of cold, but also afraid of heat. Silkies are strong on the nest, and some individuals wake up 25 days before nesting, but individual differences are large. Shorter nesting time, higher egg production, on the contrary less _ silky chickens are sensitive, scared scared, especially chicks, very sensitive to external reactions. Once they are stimulated by loud noises, noises and other special sounds, they are brought together and commotion and commotion can easily lead to death. In addition, black bones have poor defense capabilities. Especially chickens. The invasion of rats, cats, detainees, eagles, and wild beasts lacked self-defense capabilities. Silkie chicken cocks 6 to 7 months, hens can be mated 10 months, the ratio of male and female chickens 1:6, natural brooding sex is very high, small-scale breeding can not need artificial hatching, but in order to increase egg production and economic benefits Large-scale breeding or artificial breeding.
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