Scarab larvae control method

The larvae of the chafer are the main underground pests during the peanut planting. Both the adult and the larvae can cause damage to the peanuts. It can occur in all stages of peanut growth. Therefore, the work of controlling cockroaches is very difficult to develop, which greatly affects the yield of peanuts. quality.

The dominant insect populations vary from place to place, and the number of their parents is quite different from that of spawning, phlegm, and emergence. Therefore, it is necessary to first understand which type of cockroach that harms the local peanut field, and it can be achieved with less effort.

The most serious damage is caused by larvae. After the temperature of the larvae is suitable in spring and autumn, they sneak into the field tillage layer. The 2-3 instar larvae have sharp mouthparts and large feed intake, which cause damage to the seeds, roots and seedlings of spring peanuts, making spring peanuts easy to lack seedlings and ridges. In the autumn, the summer peanuts enter the flowering period, and the cockroaches continue to harm the fruit needles and pods of the peanuts. It is the main cause of empty fruit and rotten fruit, which in turn reduces the yield and quality of peanuts. Serious areas can lose 60-80%.


I. Agricultural control

Peanuts should be avoided in heavy planting, and rotation with a variety of crops every other year or more is an effective measure to disrupt the food chain and prevent its large-scale occurrence.蛴螬 The ability to resist water is poor. It is best to rotate the crops with water and dry crops, which can greatly reduce the damage of the crops that are affected by underground pests. The field should be intensively cultivated, and the unfertilized organic fertilizer and the straw and weeds of the upper crop should be cleaned out of the field in time, and the suitable environment for falling eggs, phlegm and feathering should not be created.

Spring peanuts should be turned over in time. Before the arrival of cold air, turn over the land about 30 centimeters and dry it. Use cold conditions to kill wintering pests.


Second, chemical control

The chemical control can be carried out before and after the seeding, and the growth and long-term control. Seed coating and seed dressing can effectively prevent the underground pests from encroaching at the seedling stage; it can also treat the field soil before sowing, or spread the special pests for underground pests. Such as: phoxim, chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid and so on.

By seed dressing and pre-casting, it is basically possible to prevent cockroaches during the seedling period. In the autumn flowering period, the carp is basically at the 2-3 age stage. The peanut pods and fruit needles are more harmful, which directly affects the yield and quality.

When the hazard is serious, the toxic soil can be prepared by mixing the soil with phoxim and chlorpyrifos, and spreading it around the peanuts or in the field; or using the chlorpyrifos to water the roots of the peanuts, the treatment can be better.

To prevent adult chafers, the above-mentioned agents can be used for foliar application of peanuts. Through the combination of agricultural control and chemical control, it can effectively control and kill pests, promote peanut growth and increase peanut yield.

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