The amount of feed should be appropriate
In chicken diets, the proportion of colza cake should not be too high. In general, the amount of growing chicken can account for 5% to 10% of the concentrate, and 5% to 8% of dry matter. This can be used with other feeds without detoxification. Of course, different types of rapeseed contain a large difference in the amount of glucosinolates. The actual amount of glucosinolates should be increased or decreased according to local rapeseed varieties, oil extraction technology, and soil sulphur content.
Detoxification necessary for the safe use of rapeseed cake, especially when the amount of rapeseed cake in the chicken diet exceeds 10%, the necessary detoxification treatment should be carried out. Common methods: pit burying method. This method should avoid the rainy season and high temperatures. Select a place with high dry terrain and good soil (not under the tree). Dig a 0.8-meter-wide, 0.8-meter-thick, rectangle-shaped pit of a length determined by the number of rapeseed cakes, and lay a 3 cm-thick wheatgrass and crush it to the end. The rapeseed cake is immersed in the pit in a ratio of 1:1 with water and a thin layer of wheatgrass is covered with a 40 cm thick soil. Open drains around to prevent rain from seeping. After two months, you can use it. Pay attention to the portion where moldy agglomeration is not suitable for feed. This method requires no other equipment and the detoxification rate is above 90%. Cooking method. In small-scale feeding, the crushed rapeseed cake can be soaked in warm water for 8 to 12 hours. The water is poured, and then the water is added to boil for 1 hour. The mixture can be stirred at any time to evaporate the poison.
Feeding green feed
Feeding green feed can improve the palatability of the whole feed and reduce the poisoning effect of rapeseed cake, but it is not appropriate to feed cruciferous plants rich in mustard enzyme, such as cabbage, radish, and cabbage.
Prevent poisoning
The use of moldy rapeseed cakes for feeding chickens should be prohibited, and the ingredients should be mixed thoroughly so that some chickens do not eat too much rapeseed cake and cause poisoning.
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