Prostate Cancer Risk Location Revealed

Recently, the team of Professor Wang Lidong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University teamed up with Finnish and American research teams to jointly develop a high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing technology to screen for risk sites for prostate cancer and found more than 100 Functional candidate disease susceptible polymorphism sites. The research paper was published online in Nature News.

Genome-wide association analysis has identified thousands of disease-susceptible polymorphic loci. However, there are gaps in the correlation between the disease-susceptible polymorphic loci and the disease and its mechanisms leading to disease. The team developed a high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing technique that can simultaneously screen hundreds of thousands of disease-susceptible polymorphic loci. The team also tested the self-transcriptional active regulatory region sequencing technology for assessing allele-dependent transcriptional regulation, and conducted in-depth analysis of two functional candidate disease susceptible polymorphic loci and related genes. This study provides a more effective approach for the study of etiology and disease prevention in the future. (Specialist reporter Zhou Houliang)


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