Organic vegetable production technology

1. Environmental choices; areas away from cities, industrial areas and villages should be chosen. The air is required to meet the national first-class standards for atmospheric environment quality. The quality of irrigation water should meet the national standard for surface water environment quality, and the content of heavy metals in soil must be lower than the national organic tea processing technology standards. The production, processing, storage sites and surrounding sites should all be kept clean and the use of chemicals should be prohibited. 2. Garden choice. Tea seed should be selected from the national or provincial-level seed garden. The resistance of the varieties should be better. The seed and seedlings must come from the organic agricultural production system, and the seedlings obtained from the genetic engineering should not be used, and the non-organic agricultural production land should be used. There is a certain isolation zone. The soil in the garden is deep and fertile, with good permeability. The organic matter content is greater than 1.5%, the pH is 4.5-6.5, the effective soil layer is loose, and the biological activity is strong. 3. Soil management. For 11- to 3-year-old tea gardens, it is reasonable to make green manure among the rows. The green manure from legumes is the best. The nodules nitrogen fixation of leguminous crops can be used to increase the soil nitrogen content. The green manure is buried in soil to cultivate and improve the soil. 2 Before the onset of the rainy season and after applying base fertilizers in autumn and winter, cover the soil with pesticides, non-polluted straw, green manure, bagasse, potato vines, and mountain green; 3 intensive cultivation, diligent weed removal. In the clear weather, weeds are combined with weeds for 4 to 5 times of shallow ploughing. In combination with the autumn and winter basal fertilization, a deep ploughing is performed between the rows, and the covering material and the applied fertilizer are deeply buried in the soil. When the deep ploughing is performed, the depth of the row is deep, the rhizosphere is shallow, and the root is less damaged. 4 For the tea gardens with fertile soil, no weeds, and high coverage, there should be less (free) ploughing. Promote the use of organisms (such as alfalfa, etc.) to improve soil structure and increase soil fertility. 5 It is strictly prohibited to use chemical and petroleum herbicides, synergists and soil conditioners. 4. Fertilization technology. 1 The tea gardens that produce organic tea can use organic fertilizers that have not been contaminated by heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals, and have been harmlessly treated, such as natural humates, organic liquid fertilizers produced using pure biotechnology, and fungus fertilizers. Wait. 2 The fertilizers applied in organic tea gardens, various chemical fertilizers synthesized by artificial chemistry, all kinds of compound fertilizers, compound fertilizers, rare earth element fertilizers, auxin, and various synthetic leaf nourishments artificially synthesized are prohibited; liquid and urban and rural garbage, factories Waste residue and so on. 3 Tea tree trim has high organic matter content and rich nutrient content. It is a good source of organic fertilizer for tea gardens. Every year, the branches and branches trimmed must be managed to return to the fields. They can be used as fertilizers to be buried directly into the soil, and soil coverings can also be used to cover the rows. 4 Organic tea gardens should be applied with base fertilizer and top dressing. The basal fertilizer is applied early and after the autumn tea is completed, and fully decomposed organic fertilizers are used, including non-polluting various types of cake fertilizer, green manure, crop residues, peat, organic tea-specific fertilizers, etc., and are deeply applied in the tea plantations. Fertilizer is planted in tea gardens before each tea season, and organic liquid fertilizer is mostly applied by foliar spray. 5. Pest control. 1 New tea gardens should be quarantined to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases. 2 Timely picking and pruning of tea trees and taking the leaves and leaves of diseased plants out of the tea garden to reduce the incidence and harm of pests and diseases. 3 Timely tillage and weed control reduce pest damage. 4 Use natural enemies and biological pesticides to control pests and diseases. Chemical pesticides are strictly prohibited. (5) To investigate the occurrence of pests and diseases, manually remove the larvae of the larvae or diseased branches and diseased leaves. 6 Use light to trap adult insects. 7 After the autumn tea is over, it is allowed to use lime sulfur, Bordeaux mixture and other organic agricultural production licenses to seal the garden so as to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insects. Pay attention to the use of Bordeaux mixture so as not to exceed the degree of copper content of tea. 6. Harvested. 1 According to the type of organic tea produced, fresh leaves with corresponding tenderness are selected according to requirements, and the principle of picking and combining, quality and quality, and picking due to garden conditions are followed. 2 Both manual tea picking and mechanical tea picking can be used, but unleaded gasoline must be used for tea picking machines to prevent gasoline and oil from contaminating tea garden soil and tea trees. 3 Fresh leaf should be cleaned and well-ventilated bamboo mesh tea baskets or baskets. The amount of leaf packing should not exceed 150 kg/m3. Do not use cloth bags or plastic bag flexible packaging materials. 7. Processing Technology. 1 Organic tea processing must implement national food hygiene laws and food processing standards. 2 The processed ingredients must come from certified organic tea gardens. Processing equipment must be made of materials that do not contain contaminants. 3 The processing can only be handled by physical methods, such as natural fermentation. Chemical treatment methods are prohibited. 4 It is forbidden to use any synthetic food additives, vitamins and other additives. 5 Workers who process and package organic tea should regularly check their health and do not allow people with infectious diseases to take up posts. China Agricultural Network Editor

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