2. Symptoms and Diagnosis: In the early stage of the disease, there are white spot symptoms on a few of the sacral carapace. It is easy to be overlooked or misdiagnosed. Some patients suffer from neck enlargement, body edema, and organ bleeding, but the body surface is smooth. Some have bleeding spots on the plastron. Early sickness due to edema caused by slow movement, often floating out of the water slowly along the pool wall alone, sometimes resting on the table or drying back does not move, do not eat. To the late onset, mouth and nose bleeding can be seen. Anatomy of the disease can be seen two symptoms: First, the parotid gray erosion, large dark red stomach and intestinal congestion. The other is a mild degree of parotid erosion, red, pure white anemia in the stomach and intestine, the abdominal cavity is a large amount of bloody water, liver punctate hyperemia. The most prominent features of the disease: First, neck swelling, but not redness; Second, there is a solidified blood clot in the gastrointestinal tract or no blood.
3. Prevalence and Hazards: Mumps disease is an infectious disease with the greatest harm, the most severe infection, and the fastest death rate in the case of turtle disease. Once the disease occurs, the death rate is extremely high and it is a terrible catastrophic disease. The disease mainly occurs in the growth period of juvenile and young larvae. The popular season is from June to September. Water temperature is most severe between 25 and 30°C.
4, prevention and treatment: mumps disease is currently no effective treatment. The prevention method is to isolate the disease, or to bury or burn the disease. The aquaculture pond can be bathed with 50 to 100 mg/l formalin. After two hours, the water is changed and then the bleaching powder with a concentration of 2 mg/l water or 1 mg/l of strong chlorine is sprayed.
High Potential Therapy Machine
High Potential Therapy Machine:
E-Vitalizer integrated with High Potential Therapy, half wave Therapy, High Oscillation Optical Therapy. It not only faithfully plays a role of [family doctor", but also creates a fresh and comfortable natural environment artificially by means of the up-to-date research achievement of electro-biology and enable us to do exercise while sitting.
Health benefits that High Potential Therapy Machine brings:
1) By enhancing the body immunity and fitness,we can capitalize on innate healing ability of ourselves to restore a healthy balance.
2) Prevent diseases by improving the defense mechanism of body`s immune system.
3) Stimulate cellular energy to achieve the optimal level,and improve the efficiency of cell metabolism,so as to ensure that cells live in an environment which is
clean and beneficial for biological activity.
4) Clear the blockage of the meridians within the body and stimulate the acupuncture points so as to achieve the status of [Upon self-sufficiency with
Qi,one need less eating",By doing so,one may have less drive to eat in a natural way and achieve the effect of weight management in the long term,therefore
avoid suffering from the diseases due to obesity or over-weight.
Hearty Advice
Patients with severe heart disease,hypertension,diabetes are advised to use strictly under the guidance of the professionals,or it is strongly advised
to start your trial from lower power intensity (select the[Power"at lever [3"). In the initial stage of trial,users should keep alert of your own senses.Do
not reduce or stop the dosage without prior permission,however, if you may feel unwell,reduce the use of time or stop using immediately.
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Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.nirlighttherapy.com