The miniature pigs are native to the minority mountainous areas of China's Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province. The adult body weight does not exceed 32 kg to 68 kg, the smallest adult boar is only 20 kg, the sow is only 30 kg, the miniature pig has a lean meat percentage of about 60%, and there is no smell, the fragrance is delicious, and there is “a neighborhood of boiled meatâ€. "Sweet" reputation.
There are more than a dozen miniature pig breeds in China. They are distinguished by their coat color: pure black, pure white, four-hoof white on the forehead, and white on the black. There are four pure black varieties:
The body is short and small, the eye area is glabrous, the abdomen is large, and the back is slightly concave. The boar is 21.2 kg and the sow is 30 kg. It is a combination of meat and fat.
The mouth is short, the forehead is flat, the abdomen is mopping, and the back is concave. The adult boar is 38 kilograms and the mother is 41 kilograms. It is an ideal raw material for roast suckling pigs.
The head is small, the back is more straight, 48 kg adult boar, 68 kg sow, high slaughter rate, good meat quality.
The head is long and narrow, and the back is straight or slightly elevated. It is 28 kg for boars and 32 kg for sows. The meat is delicate and tender.
Pure white adult boar 20 kg, 28 kg sows, lean type. Under the black and white varieties, adult pigs weigh about 50 kilograms, and the meat is delicious.
1. The diet should be based on local conditions. The reference formula is 66.5% for corn, 10% for soybean cake, 10% for peanut cake, 8% for wheat bran, 3% for fishmeal, 1.3% for bone meal, 0.7% for shellfish, and 0.5% for salt. Plus a variety of vitamins.
2. The management boar must be raised in a single lap after 1.5 months of age, and the boar should be farther away from the sow. Exercise twice a day, 10 minutes to 30 minutes each time. The pigs are mature at 4 months of age and can be bred and used at 6 months of age. Adult boars are bred once a day and weekly for 1 day to 2 days.
Sows are sexually mature at 4 months of age and can breed with breeding in June. The estrus cycle is 20 days to 21 days, the estrus duration is 3 days to 4 days, and the gestation period is 114.653.24 days.
Sows to ensure a good body condition, not too fat or too thin; to ensure that during pregnancy to eat well, sleep well, exercise 2 times a day, mid-pregnancy (20 days to 28 days) can be fed more roughage, late To feed fine material and minerals. During the farrowing period, the delivery room should be kept warm, dry, and clean. The temperature should be 22°C~33°C. The utensils should be disinfected. The amount should be reduced a few days before delivery and gradually increased after the delivery. After 5 days to 7 days, the whole amount will be achieved. During the period, it is usually fed 3 times to 4 times a day to ensure that the sows have sufficient drinking water.
Young pigs and commodity pigs
Piglets have higher temperature requirements. The suitable temperature for young pigs is 30°C to 32°C within 3 days of birth, 4° to 7 days old at 27°C to 30°C, and 8 days to 30 days at 22°C to 27°C,31 Day-old - 45 days old 20 °C ~ 22 °C. In order to maintain the original taste, commercial pigs should pay attention to two points in the feed. One is to feed compound feeds with additives; the other is to adhere to the principle of green feed; the green rough feed can be mixed.
Nuts are a group of cleistoses that have a hard skin and contain a single seed. It is the essence of plants, rich in nutrition, containing higher minerals, vitamins, oil and protein, eating more can promote growth and development, increase physical fitness. Common nuts include walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pistachio nuts and so on.
Nuts, Almonds,Walnuts,Pistachio nuts,Macadamia nuts
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