Under microfluidic conditions, amphibious turtles and leeches are mixed in one pool. Using leeches as the main feed or supplementary feed for turtles can make turtles stronger and grow faster, shorten the breeding cycle, and reduce rearing. Cost, improve economic efficiency more than double. And in the whole process of raising, it avoids the contamination of hormonal drugs and meets the basic conditions of nuisance-free foods. It is also welcomed by consumers. The main technical points are introduced as follows for peer discussion. Jianchi chooses plenty of water sources, good water quality, convenient drainage and drainage, and a quiet environment. It has opened a rectangular culture pond in the area where it is sunny. The pool is 15 to 30 meters long, the pool is 5 meters wide, the pool wall is 0.7 meters high, and the bottom slope is 0.5 to 1%. With the direction of the water flow, the pool head should be equipped with anti-escape equipment at both the inlet and the outlet, preventing both turtles from fleeing and the enemy from invading. In order to avoid the dead corner of the water, the four corners of the pool should preferably be curved. Insufficient length should not be used to construct a rectangular pool but also a circular or meandering culture pond. A rectangular soil raft is piled up in the pool. The length of the raft is determined by the width of the pond. The width of the raft is about 1.5 meters and the height of the raft is 0.25-0.3 meters. The distance between the raft and raft and between the raft and the pond wall should not be less than 0.2 meters. Predators invade. Stacked earth should try to use farmland fertilizer mud, silt and other organic materials rich in organic materials in order to facilitate rapid growth and reproduction of earthworms. On the side of the pool or the inner edge of the annular pool, a gentle slope mound higher than the water surface of 0.3 to 0.8 meters is placed as a rest and spawning place for turtles, and the area thereof is 15% to 20% of the total area. Chizhou planted grapes, gourd or other vine crops, framed the sheltered environment above the ground, and can be manually adjusted to achieve the best shaded condition. For the cultivation of ramie base material, inject water into the pool and inundate the surface of the mulberry, and lay a layer of bagasse or chopped straw, deciduous, etc. on the surface as a loosening agent. The amount per square meter is 2 kg. Pigs, sheep, and chicken manure, 0.2 kg of rice flour and rice bran and wheat bran mixture fully fermented each square meter. Poor conditions can also be used as a single layer of cow manure, or as a combination of cow manure, pig manure, sheep manure, and chicken manure. The introduction and breeding of earthworms The manure on the grain surface can be introduced after fully fermenting for about 10 days when the temperature is 25-28 degrees Celsius. It is generally advisable to choose Japan's Daping No. 2 to place 2.5 kg of seed pods with feed and egg mass per square meter, and evenly spread it on the surface of the base material. No Daping No. 2 seedlings can be imported from other quail farms, or the leeches that are used to the aquatic environment, such as sewage drains and sewers, can be collected and put back together with egg shards and mud scum. It grows and reproduces on its own. It must be noted that the water level in the breeding pond for introduction of leeches should be equal to or slightly higher than the surface of the base material by 1 to 2 cm above the surface of the base material. The quail is accustomed to a slightly acidic environment with a pH of 5.5 to 7.8, and it is particularly fond of eating palatable foods with sweet and sour taste. Regardless of grain, livestock manure, domestic sewage, organic waste, slaughtering and processing waste, etc. are all its high-quality feed sources. However, any feed must first be fermented and decomposed prior to feeding, otherwise calves and egg masses will be burned at a high temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius during its fermentation or secondary fermentation. After 5 to 7 days after feeding, the surface layer of feed can be eaten. The surface waste containing most of the fecal pellet should be scraped off for organic fertilizer application, and 5 kg of fermented cow dung should be sprayed on each square meter. From 15 to 20 days after introduction, the quail can reproduce in large quantities and turtles can be fed. Distribution and Management of Turtles 1. Distribution Density: A total of 30 young tortoises, 15 young or 2 winter turtles, or 3 to 5 adult turtles aged over 3 years can be used per square meter. only. It should be noted that individuals with a large disparity in their respective specifications should put a pool in order to avoid injury caused by bullying and even bite loss and even disability. The turtles should be sterilized with 8~10% saline before lower pool to prevent infection. Second, water quality management: industrial wastewater, the treatment of fish disease or toxic pesticides in rice fields is strictly prohibited from entering the pool, otherwise it will cause major losses. In addition to the need to temporarily close the inlets and outlets when changing water, the aquaculture ponds should maintain a microfluidic state of 0.01 cubic meters per second for a long period of time to meet the low oxygen demand of turtles and earthworms. Third, feeding and management: Regardless of the turtle's staple food or auxiliary feed, let it feed on its own, just pay attention not to let it gather in some place to catch food and bite the hand to cause disability on the line, generally do not need to spend big Work to manage. Regardless of whether it is fresh or dried, the crude protein contained in it is relatively high, and the amino acid content is 35.2% (dry matter ratio). Therefore, it is a high-quality, high-protein feed for turtles, clams, aquatic animals and livestock. According to the comparison test of turtles and Dianchi mixed leeches used as feed in the "Hainan City Leading Aquarium Institute of Amphibians and Reptiles," the turtle production in the experimental group increased by 36.4% compared with the control group, and the effect was very significant. In the words of the director of the Institute, Jiang Zhanglin: "As long as the polyculture pool satisfies the conditions for reproduction, there is a steady stream of natural food for turtles (or quail) to feed on two birds with one stone."
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