The emergence of empty stalks in corn has a direct relationship with environmental factors and planting density. To solve the problem of corn empty stalks, we should start by establishing good ecological conditions. 1. Choose a high-yield, high-resistance variety that is suitable for local planting. 2. Properly dense planting, according to the characteristics of different varieties to select the appropriate planting density, full use of fertilizer, water, light, heat resources, to achieve the purpose of high yield. 3. Strengthen field management, increase organic fertilizer, balance the application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers to achieve a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers. In the maize seedling stage, strengthen management, control large seedlings, promote small seedlings, eliminate three types of seedlings, so that the maize population grows robust and neat. In the flowering pollination period, in the event of rainy weather, try to artificially pollinate. 4. Strengthen the construction of farmland irrigation and drainage facilities Improve the farmland infrastructure and achieve the standard of energy discharge irrigation. Use groundwater irrigation to solve the problem of high temperature and drought.
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