How to make the tomato bloom again

After the first generation of tomatoes is harvested, the following three methods can be used to rejuvenate the tomatoes and increase the economic benefits of tomato cultivation.

First, the press method

After harvesting the first generation fruit of the tomato, cut away the yellow branches of the dead branches and retain the new branches with the ability to flourish. Then dig a fertilization ditch with a length of 20 cm and a depth of about 15 cm on the side of the main trunk. Immerse in the ditch, then water it so that the vines will soon take root. Such new roots and old roots jointly absorb water and fertilizer, and the plant type grows up quickly, and it can once again bear fruit.

Second, cut the law

When the first generation fruit of the tomato is harvested, the dead old branches and leaves are cut off, and then the roots are fertilized and watered to promote new roots and new shoots, so that they can grow rapidly and then develop again, and the results are regenerated.

Third, transplanting method

The roots of the tomatoes are prone to produce new roots, and they can produce more tillers near the ground. These branching branches have a rapid growth after transplanting, and generally can blossom in 7-10 days. If the ground is dry at this time, the soil around the trunk can be watered to promote the occurrence of secondary delivery. When there is a small amount of white spots at the root of litter-tree seedlings, they can be transplanted and survived, and the results can be quickly flowered after being transplanted to survive.

RT-PCR Test Reagent Kit Of COVID-19(ORF1ab, N, E)

This RT-PCR Test Reagent Kit Of COVID-19(ORF1ab, N, E) is a real-time, RT-PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2 in oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swab specimens from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider.

This test is also for use with anterior nasal swab specimens that are collected using the COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit when used consistent with its authorization.

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