How to increase orchard soil organic matter

Soil organic matter plays an important role in the production of fruit trees with high quality and high yield. The soil organic matter content in high yield and stable orchard should be above 2%. To widen the sources of fertilizers according to local conditions, to increase the application of organic fertilizers and humic acid fertilizers is an important measure to improve the organic matter in the orchard soil, and it is also an important condition for achieving fruit quality, high yield, and high efficiency.

First, a large number of decomposed pigs, chickens, livestock excrement and human waste, as well as biogas residue, manure, compost, crop straw, and weeds, etc., are turned into soil layers deep in the depth of 30 to 40 cm in the autumn to allow their decomposition. Humus.

Second, the natural growth of weeds in orchards generally does not require turning. It only needs to be cut at 20 cm from the ground to cover the ground. After the growth point is destroyed, the root system will wilt, and after rain, the rain can seep through the roots. After a long time, the roots are sealed and the groundwater is kept. When the grass is over 20 centimeters in height, it is cut again. Repeated mowing of the non-rotating grass can increase the organic matter.

In the author's area, a fruit farmer named Qu, who insisted on cutting grass for the past three years, the organic matter content of the orchard soil increased to 1.05%, more than 50% higher than the original. In recent years, he has no grasses. In spring, he applies two bags of urea to the grass (adjusting the carbon-nitrogen ratio to meet the requirements of microorganisms to decompose organic matter on nitrogen, avoid short-term denitrification of soil), increase grass volume, and cover the trees. The orchard soil moisture content can be stabilized to 13.5%~18.9%, and the soil bulk density is reduced from 1.4 g/cm3 to 1.28 g/h, and the yield is increased by 23.8%. The effect is significant.

Third, green manure is used between young trees. Green manure is also an important fertilizer source for recharging soil organic matter in orchards. The decomposition is rapid and humic acid is formed more quickly. Similarly, in the orchard, rapeseeds were rolled over in early spring and the effect of increasing organic matter was obvious.

Fourth, the conditions can be constructed grass - pig - marsh - fruit ecological orchard, that is, the use of grass feed pigs, pig manure into the digester, digester biogas digester directly into the orchard, and promote ecological cycle.

Fifth, the use of no-tillage is generally adopted in orchard soil management to change the inter-row microclimate. After investigation, for 3 consecutive years, the soil layer covers 10 to 20 cm of soil layer, the soil organic matter content can reach 1.15%, 0.38 percentage points higher than the Qingpeng Garden, the soil moisture content has been stable at 13.9% to 19.2%, and the soil bulk density is The original 1.43 grams per cubic centimeter decreased to 1.25 grams, an increase of 24.2%.

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