Pesticides are special commodities. From the registered trademark, it is identifiable.
One, check. Check whether the registered commodity is affixed with a registered trademark, and whether it has been marked with the three licenses, that is, the pesticide registration certificate, product implementation standard certificate, and production license (or production permit).
Second, look. Look under the registered trademark of the product to see if there is a line of features that is parallel to the bottom edge and does not fade. Insecticides - red line, herbicide - black line, plant growth regulator - yellow line, kill (old) rodent - blue line. Look at the names of pesticides are not marked with eye-catching characters, sighted, and then buy.
Third, right. The examination verifies whether the object of application, application period, method and dosage indicated on the registered trademark are inconsistent with the contents of the pesticide required by the registered trademark.
Fourth, recognize. Before purchasing pesticides, you should identify what type of formulation (water, emulsion, suspension, etc.) the drug is, how toxic (high, low, highly toxic), package weight (solids in grams or kilograms, liquid in ml or liters) And active ingredient content (in %), precautions in application (optimum application time, what substances and pesticides cannot be used in combination, symptoms of poisoning and first-aid methods, safety days for the last application and harvest interval, etc.) The manufacturer's name, detailed address, telephone number, zip code, and production date and shelf life of the drug manufacturer. After confirmation, the amount of pesticides purchased will be determined according to the crop area that they need to control.
One, check. Check whether the registered commodity is affixed with a registered trademark, and whether it has been marked with the three licenses, that is, the pesticide registration certificate, product implementation standard certificate, and production license (or production permit).
Second, look. Look under the registered trademark of the product to see if there is a line of features that is parallel to the bottom edge and does not fade. Insecticides - red line, herbicide - black line, plant growth regulator - yellow line, kill (old) rodent - blue line. Look at the names of pesticides are not marked with eye-catching characters, sighted, and then buy.
Third, right. The examination verifies whether the object of application, application period, method and dosage indicated on the registered trademark are inconsistent with the contents of the pesticide required by the registered trademark.
Fourth, recognize. Before purchasing pesticides, you should identify what type of formulation (water, emulsion, suspension, etc.) the drug is, how toxic (high, low, highly toxic), package weight (solids in grams or kilograms, liquid in ml or liters) And active ingredient content (in %), precautions in application (optimum application time, what substances and pesticides cannot be used in combination, symptoms of poisoning and first-aid methods, safety days for the last application and harvest interval, etc.) The manufacturer's name, detailed address, telephone number, zip code, and production date and shelf life of the drug manufacturer. After confirmation, the amount of pesticides purchased will be determined according to the crop area that they need to control.
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Ningxia Ningyang Halal Food Co., Ltd. ,