In general, when we pickle kimchi, we will put it into a sealed glass bottle, so that the preservation time will be longer, and the taste is also the best. So pickled pickles can be eaten for a few days?

Regardless of whether pickles are still pickled pickles, the content of nitrite is the highest in 1 to 3 days after pickling. At this time, its content is increasing. Normally, from the beginning of the third day, the oxygen in the pickle jars is depleted due to the continuous reproduction of microorganisms, and the nitrate content in vegetables is gradually reduced due to oxidation. Therefore, the content of nitrite in pickles will gradually decrease. Tends to a relatively stable value. However, this demand has come close to 15 days. In the middle of pickling, the pickle lid must not be opened, because the entry of oxygen is not conducive to the reduction of nitrite content. Pickle pickled for 20 days, the nitrite content will be reduced to very low nitrates.
After this cycle, it can be known that pickled 1-3 locations are the highest levels of carcinogens and should be eaten again in the next 20 days. While eating kimchi stored for a long time (over 30 days), relative to Ankang.
These can inform us that nitrite is a kind of strong carcinogen, excessive intake of nitrite for a long time, the chance of cancer will greatly increase. In fact, the nitrite in kimchi is also a life cycle.
How to preserve pickles
Pickles are one of the methods of preserving vegetables. However, if pickled improperly, a layer of white mold will appear on the surface of the pickles. The taste of the light will deteriorate, and the heavy ones will spoil and deteriorate.
In order to prevent pickle mildew should note the following:
1, the amount of salt water should be appropriate. Salt not only gives salty taste to pickles but also has antiseptic effect. The amount of salt depends on the type of vegetables. In summer, the amount of salt used is 20-25% of pickles, 15-20% in spring and autumn, and 10-15% in winter. In addition, putting a few petals of peeled garlic on the surface of salt water can effectively prevent white pickles from pickling.
2, to promptly inverted cylinder. Because the vegetables are loaded into the cylinder, the temperature of the upper and lower parts, the dissolving of salt, and the degree of absorption of salt by the vegetables are inconsistent, and some undesirable gases are easily generated. The heat in the vegetables must be dissipated through the inverted cylinder to remove the bad gas. The inverted cylinder can also prevent uneven temperature and salt in the cylinder, which is beneficial to color protection, crisp protection, and shelf life.
3, pickles to choose no pests and fresh vegetables without decay. Pickle water to be clean, vegetable cylinders should be placed in a cool ventilated place to prevent the invasion of harmful microorganisms.
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