After leaving the branches and growing to the end of the fruitful period in June, with the arrival of the hot and rainy summer and the aging of the plants, the eggplant results will be reduced and the quality will decline. The first pruning was done in late June. The method is to leave one or two branches near the roots, which are growing vigorously and free of pests and diseases, as the new main vine. Cut all the side branches 5-10 cm above the new main vine, and cut them 30-35 inches from the ground. cm. After cutting, use agricultural streptomycin 1 g plus 75% chlorothalonil WP 30 g, add 25-30 ml of water to make a paste, apply it to cut out to prevent infection.
After pruning, trenching should be performed once. Dig deep into the trench, and pile up the soil to the root of the eggplant. In combination with earth-cultivation, 200 kg of farmyard manure per acre or 80 kg of mature oil is withdrawn and then watered. After 15 days, buds begin to appear. When 50% of the plants have set up fruit, they should be flushed with water and fertilizer. The first application of fertilizer can be performed with 50 kg/ha of bicarbonate ammonia. After that, each eggplant will be fertilized once to maintain a slight gap. There is stagnant water.
Prevention of powdery mildew In June, due to high temperature and drought, it is easy to cause a large number of outbreaks of powdery mildew.
Symptoms: mainly harm the leaves. Many middle and lower leaves begin to develop and gradually develop towards the upper leaves. At the beginning, a white, hair-like filament appeared on the leaf blade, which appeared amorphous and chlorotic yellow spots. After the development, white powdery mildewes of various shapes and sizes were formed, and the marginal boundaries were not clear. After further expansion, it can spread over the entire leaf surface. In severe cases, the front and back surfaces of the leaves can be covered with powder, and the leaf surface is covered with a layer of white powder. Obliterating the white powder, the diseased tissue became chlorotic and became yellow and dry.
The cause of the disease: The pathogens overwinter on the surface of the earth, but also from other hosts in the field. The germs spread through the field in the air. The re-infestation of the disease is frequent, and the conditions are suitable to cause the epidemic of the disease. About 25 °C temperature, relative humidity of about 60% -80% is conducive to disease. However, the incidence of relative humidity as low as 25% is also serious. When the plants are weak, water shortage, lack of fertilizer, and high temperature, the condition is obviously worsened.
Control methods: In order to prevent premature aging after fruit stage, timely dressing can reduce the disease; pay attention to reasonable irrigation, drainage in time after rain; strengthen cultivator soil, promote plant root growth; timely removal of plant diseases, old leaves, both to reduce the source of bacteria It is conducive to ventilation and light transmission. Spray 15% Triadimefon (Triadimefon) WP 1000 times or 40% Fortune Star Emulsion 4000 times, 30% fluconazole (Tefurin) wettable powder 1500-2000 times, 40% polysulfide suspension 500 to 600 times the liquid agent, 50% sulfur suspension 250 to 300 times the liquid, the resistance to the above fungicides in the region to use 12.5% ​​of myclobutanil EC 2000 times and BASF's "Tribe" effect it is good. The main technical point is early prevention. Before the noon, the amount of medicine to be sprayed and used in the morning should be large. Spraying Triadimefon was stopped 7 to 10 days before harvesting.
Chengdu Kunshan City Mu Special Technical Guidance for Vegetable Base Jiang Houshan Sichuan Rural Daily
Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets are important crops in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa (especially in India, Mali, Nigeria, and Niger), with 97% of millet production in developing countries. The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high-temperature conditions. In a 100 gram serving, raw millet provides 378 calories and is a rich source (20% or more of the Daily Value, DV) of protein, dietary fiber, several B vitamins and numerous dietary minerals, especially manganese at 76% DV (USDA nutrient table). Raw millet is 9% water, 73% carbohydrates, 4% fat and 11% protein.
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