German research shows that telemedicine can help treat heart patients

German research shows that telemedicine can help treat heart patients

August 30, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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A study released on August 27th by the University Hospital in Berlin, Berlin, shows that telemedicine can help patients with heart disease and is suitable for both urban and rural patients.

The five-year study covered more than 1,500 heart patients, half of whom received telemedicine and half received traditional treatment. Telemedicine refers to the instrument in the patient's home that measures blood pressure and body weight. The measurement data is automatically transmitted to the Telemedicine Center of Shalitai University Hospital through the network for medical personnel to evaluate in real time and give relevant medication or treatment recommendations. The study aims to verify whether telemedicine can help prolong patient life and bridge the structural gap between urban and rural medical resources.

The results showed that patients who received telemedicine spent an average of 17.8 days per year on admission to the hospital and 24.2 days in the control group. In patients with heart failure, the telemedicine group had an annual mortality rate of 8% and a control group mortality rate of 11%. In addition, regardless of whether the patient lives in a city or rural area, there is no impact on the results of the study.

Ulrich Frey, medical director of the Shalithai University Hospital, said: "Telemedicine provides both treatment for patients and family doctors in rural areas. The results of the study prove that telemedicine can be protected from geographical restrictions. The quality of care provided to the patient."

There are currently about 1.8 million chronic heart failure patients in Germany, with about 300,000 new cases each year. Heart failure has become one of the most important reasons for German hospitalization in the past decade.

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