Garlic Cultivation and Pest Control

Garlic garlic, garlic sprouts and young leaves have high nutritional value and contain many vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and inorganic salts. Garlic is rich in allicin, not only can be seasoned, but also antibacterial, has a strong killing effect on a variety of microorganisms and parasites, its cultivation techniques are described below.

I. Cultivation techniques

1. Environmental conditions

(1) Temperature. After the garlic is dormant, it can germinate and take root at 3~5°C. The optimum temperature for the growth of stems and leaves is 12~16°C, and the suitable temperature for the development of garlic sprouts and garlic bulbs is 15~20°C. In the coldest month where the average temperature is lower than -5°C, autumn sowing garlic can not be exposed to winter.

(2) Moisture and nutrition. Garlic hi wet drought, should choose loose sandy loam cultivation. Soil moisture before and after sowing is conducive to budding and rooting; seedling stage can not be too wet, otherwise it is not conducive to the development of roots; garlic sprouts need more water during the extension period of garlic sprouts and the expansion period of garlic, and it is necessary to keep the soil moist; Flaps, lobes. The three elements of nutrition should be complete, with the maximum amount of fertilizer absorbed during the growth period of garlic sprouts and the mid-expansion of garlic.

2. Types and varieties

(1) White species. Garlic is large, and spicy leaves are lighter. Shandong Cangshan garlic, Jilin white Piju garlic, Hebei dog garlic, Hangzhou white garlic and other varieties.

(2) Purple skin species. Garlic is big and small, with a small number of petals and a strong spicy taste. There are Shaanxi Caijiapo Garlic, Heilongjiang Acheng Garlic, Hebei Dingxian Purple Garlic, Shandong Jiaxiang Garlic, and Chengdu Ershui, Hard Leaves, and Chongqing Tongzi Garlic.

3. Sow. For the purpose of producing garlic bulbs and garlic bulbs, the earliest sowing can be carried out in June. Autumn and winter garlic is planted from mid-August to September. Summer garlic is sown in mid-February. Spring garlic is sown in September. It can also be used at any time according to market demand. sowing.

Before sowing, choose the right garlic head, use larger garlic cloves, and sow after treatment. There are two ways to deal with: First, peel some or all of the garlic, the second is to soak the garlic in water for a day and night. When sowing can be implemented perforated planting or ditch planting, spacing 17 ~ 20cm, spacing 10 ~ 13cm, about 667 square meters with the amount of about 100kg. When sowing, the bottom water is poured, and a thin layer of grass is planted after sowing to keep the soil moist.

4. Fertilization management. Garlic cultivation should pay attention to the management of fertilizer and water, apply enough base fertilizer, apply about 500kg of commercial organic fertilizer per 667 square meters, garlic special fertilizer 25kg, potassium chloride 10 ~ 15kg, biological multi-antibacterial fertilizer 2 ~ 3kg.

Biological multi-antibacterial fertilizer can play a role in disease prevention, disease resistance and fertilizer utilization in garlic cultivation. Effective microorganisms in fertilizers can be used to efficiently colonize the roots of garlic and become the dominant microbial flora. They secrete and promote the growth of garlic, promote the growth of garlic, decompose the solidified nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients in the soil, and can also inhibit the transfer of garlic roots. The growth of pathogenic bacteria plays a role in disease prevention and disease resistance.

Second, common pest control

1. Garlic leaf blight. Leaf blight mainly occurs on leaves and pedicels, and most of them begin to spread from the tip of the leaf. The early stage of the lesion is a small white dot with an irregular or elliptical shape. It appears as grey or gray-brown and gives off a black mold. In severe cases, the diseased leaves will die. If the pedicel suffers, it is easy to break off from the disease department and give birth to many small black spots in the diseased part, causing garlic to be difficult to twitch.

Prevention methods: Strengthen field management, close-in planting, increase nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, apply biological and multi-bacterial fertilizers, cultivate strong seedlings, drain water immediately after rain, and prevent water accumulation in the fields. 75% of chlorothalonil or 65% of dexamethasone 500 times, 50% of botulinum powder 1000 times or 10% of chloridronate 400 to 500 times spray.

2. Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis cinerea mostly occurs in the late stage of plant growth, beginning with the tip of the lower old leaf. The lesions are initially immersed in water and then turn white or light grayish brown. They develop from the tip to the inside, and the lesions are enlarged and called spindle-shaped ovals. Both sides of the spot gave off brownish-brown molds. When the disease is severe, the whole leaf of the old leaf may spread to cause the collapse of the leaf sheath or even the decay of the underground bulb. After drying, it becomes pale and gray, and the diseased part may be seen as gray mold and sclerotia.

The control method is basically the same as leaf blight.

3. Garlic virus disease. Garlic virus disease, also known as mosaic disease, occurs when the leaf diseases of the diseased plants are dark green and light yellow. They do not measure stripes or spots. When the disease is severe, the plants become atrophic or distorted.

Control methods: Use non-toxic garlic seeds to strengthen field management, remove diseased plants, prevent and control aphids in time, apply fertilizers in an all-round way, apply biological multi-antibacterial fertilizers, and increase plant disease resistance.

4. Onion flies. Adults are gray flies with transparent wings and larvae like feces. In the mid-south area, it usually takes 4-6 generations a year. From late March to early May and from September to early October, it is the larval stage. The larvae usually feed on the bulbs of garlic and onion sown by humans. One bulb is often used. There are dozens of heads of larvae, and the affected bulbs are smashed into holes, causing decay, yellow leaves, and death.

Control methods: Apply fully decomposed organic fertilizer, evenly deepen, so as to avoid adult egg breeding, strict selection of seeds, remove bad garlic, isolated from the fertilizer when sowing, where there are more seed flies, adulterants can be trapped with sweet and sour liquid , The ratio of sugar: vinegar: water = 1:1: 2.5, add a small amount of trichlorfon and mix well, pour into the container with sawdust, cover it, open and cover the trap during the sunny day, use biological multi-antibacterial fertilizer into the base fertilizer, Another liquid biological multi-antibiotic fertilizer 200 times liquid spraying; adult oviposits when used to kill fleas 6000 times or 2.5% of deltamethrin 3000 times, every 5 to 7 days sprayed once, continuous 2 ~ 3 times.

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