1 Scope This standard specifies the technical methods for predicting, forecasting, seed collection and seed modulation of forest tree seed yield. This standard applies to state-owned, collective units and individuals of timber species, other tree species reference implementation. 2 Reference Standards The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards will be revised and all parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB 7908—87 Forest Seed GB 8822—88 China Forest Seed Area 3 Forest Seed Planting 3.1 Forest Seed Planting Category 3.1.1 Excellent trees for seed orchards or families based on design requirements, with intensive management, for the purpose of producing high-quality seeds Seed forest. 3.1.2 The mother tree is selected as a plantation forest for the purpose of producing excellent seeds through the selection of fine natural forests or proven artificial forests with proven provenance. 3.1.3 The general forest for seed collection adopts the middle-above-lower forest classification to reduce poor-cutting, and the forest for seed collection for the purpose of producing qualified seeds for quality. 3.1.4 Temporary seed-picking forests are to select the forest stands to be harvested, and the seed collection forests with the purpose of producing qualified seeds for quality. 3.1.5 Fine clusters and scattered mother trees can also be seeded. 3.1.6 It is forbidden to collect seed from inferior trees and poor quality stands. Inferior trees a) The tree vigor is declining, the growth is slow, and the height growth is significantly lower than the average value of the stand; b) The trunk is curved, the sharpness is large, and the wood texture is distorted; c) The crown is irregular and the lateral branches are coarse; d ) Obvious pest and disease infections. Inferior stands The inferior stands account for more than 50% of the stand. 3.2 Certification of Seed-collecting Forests 3.2.1 Seed orchards are identified by the Ministry of Forestry or the competent forestry authorities of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government). 3.2.2 General seed forest, temporary seed forest and good mother tree shall be determined by the competent forestry authorities at or above the county level. 4 Prediction of forest tree seed yield 4.1 The prediction of forest seed yield is carried out during the fruit ripening period. If necessary, it can also be carried out during flowering and young fruit formation. 4.2 The prediction of forest seed yield can use visual classification, actual measurement, average standard wood method, standard branch method, and visible half canopy estimation method. See Appendix A (standard appendix). 4.3 Prediction of forest tree yield According to tree species, collection area, and species forest category, fill in the forest seed yield forecast table. See appendix B (appendix of the standard). 4.4 After each forecasting job is completed, report the results step by step. 5 Forest seed collection 5.1 Preparation 5.1.1 Before harvesting, predict the forecast results based on the seed demand and the forest seed yield, and combine field inspection to determine the location, area, and seed collection period of the forest planting year. 5.1.2 Formulate the seed collection plan, including the determination of the seed collection method, the responsibility system for seed collection, and the preparation of personnel, tools, materials, and facilities required for collection, packaging, temporary storage, transportation, safety, and labor protection. 5.1.3 Timely viewing of the seed maturation process, mastering the characteristics of seed maturation and shedding characteristics, publishing the seed collection period, and strictly prohibiting grabbing and sweeping. 5.1.4 Organize training seed collectors. 5.2 Collection 5.2.1 Strict protection of the mother tree shall not damage the bark, trunks, branches, and young fruit ripening in the following year. 5.2.2 Seed production should have reliable safety protection measures to protect personal safety. 5.2.3 There shall be technicians or skilled workers at the seed collection site to inspect and instruct the seed collection methods, seed collection quality, labor combination, mother tree protection and personnel safety. 5.2.4 The harvested fruits are temporarily stacked at the collection site and must not be stacked too thick. Temporary tags for seed production should be attached in time and transported to the modulation site as soon as possible. 5.2.5 Temporary tags are white, 10cm long and 8cm wide, with a hole with a radius of about 0.5cm at the top. The content and format of the temporary label are shown in Appendix C (Standard Appendix). Each year, the packaging container has two temporary labels attached to the inside and outside of the packaging container. 5.2.6 The temporary label is filled in by the person responsible for seed collection. 6 Forest seed preparation 6.1 Forest seed preparation mainly includes threshing, drying, net seeding, grading and packaging. 6.2 All kinds of forest seed preparation methods 6.2.1 Closed fruit categories: After the mature does not crack, the fruit directly as sowing material, can be spread in clean and dry and ventilated place. Safe water content is high, easy to lose vitality can only be properly dried, until the water content falls to GB7908 requirements. Using wind-selection, hand-selection, and screening to remove miscellaneous species. 6.2.2 Fruit cracks Natural dry threshing The fruit is spread in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area and is frequently turned. The external force is applied according to the characteristics of the fruit to promote threshing. Masson pine cones can be stacked properly before drying. Manual heating Drying and threshing are mostly used for cones. Cones with higher water content should be pre-dried before being placed in the drying room (kiln). When pre-dried, the temperature must not exceed 35°C. Manual heating and drying should control the temperature. See Appendix F (Standard Appendix) for details. The net species use methods such as winnowing, hand selection and screening. 6.2.3 Flesh fruit Piling and washing: Piling, threshing and drying in a timely manner after stacking. Rolling Washing: Washing, threshing and drying in the shade after rolling. Net species use water selection, hand selection, screening and other methods. 6.3 The seed quality modulated should meet the requirements of GB7908. 7 kinds of batches, forest seed origin labels and forest seed collection registration forms 7.1 species of seeds of the same species with the following conditions are called a species of batch: a) in a county (banner, forestry bureau), township (or forest farm) range, The site conditions are similar; b) The seedling age and tree age are approximately the same; c) The seed collection time is approximately the same; d) The seed preparation and storage methods are the same; e) The weight does not exceed the following limits: Extragranular seed (walnut, chestnut, tung tree, etc. ) It is 10000kg; large grain seeds (paratus, apricot, oil tea, etc.) are 5000kg; medium grain seeds (Hongsong, Pinus armandii, eucalyptus, elatior, etc.) are 3500kg; small seeds (Pinus tabulaeformis, larch, fir, black locust) Such as) for 1000kg; special small seeds (german, mulberry, paulownia, casuarina, etc.) 250kg. If the limit is exceeded, another batch should be made. However, the concentration of seed production quotas can be appropriately increased. 7.2 Forest Seed Origin Labels 7.2.1 After the seeds are brewed, the origin labels must be filled in separately. 7.2.2 The origin label is yellow, 10 cm long and 8 cm wide. There is a hole with a radius of about 0.5 cm at the upper end. The content and format of the label are given in Appendix D (Appendix of the standard). 7.2.3 The label of the place of production shall be attached to the inside and outside of the packaging container, and shall be retained during the entire process of packaging, transportation and sowing. When the nursery stocks are grown, they should be tagged with the origin of the seedlings. 7.3 Each seed lot should be filled out with a forest seed collection registration form. See Appendix E (Supplement) for the model. The seed lot number on the seed collection registration form should be the same as the origin label. See Appendix F (standard appendix) for the table of seed maturation, collection, and modulation for the main tree species. Appendix A (Appendix of the Standards) Forest Tree Yield Forecasting Method A1 Visual Grading Method Visually measures the number of flowers, young fruits, and near-maturing fruits of the planting stands, and assesses the flowering and fruiting level. Referencing the seed setting, recovery rate, and seeding rate of the calendar year. Estimate the amount of seed harvested in the forest. The grades of flowering and fruiting were evaluated using a three-level system of abundance, level, and apology. The criteria for each grade are as follows: Feng: Flowering and strong fruiting, which is flowering over the years, and the highest level of solidification is more than 70%. Ping: It is medium-flowering and fruiting, which is 30% of the highest amount of flowering and fruiting in the past years. 70%; apology: less flowering and fruitful, less than 30% of the highest amount of flowering and fruiting over the years. A2 Actual measurement method sets several typical standard plots within the planting stand. There should be 30 to 50 forest trees in each standard plot, collect all the fruits and weigh them, measure the area of ​​the standard plots, and calculate the total forest stand solidification. the amount. With reference to the annual recovery rate and the rate of seed production, the amount of seed harvested in the current year was estimated. A3 The average standard wood method sets several typical standard plots within the planting stand, and there should be 30 to 50 trees in each standard plot. Measure the area of ​​the standard land, number each tree and measure the DBH, and calculate the average value. Within the standard ground (alternatively near the standard ground), an average value of 3 to 5 standard trees can be selected, all the fruits can be harvested, and the average seed yield per plant can be calculated by multiplying the number of standard mother trees to obtain the standard land yield. Based on this, the total amount of forest stands was calculated. With reference to the annual recovery rate and the rate of seed production, the amount of seed harvested in the current year was estimated. The A4 standard branch method randomly selected 10 to 15 sample trees within the planting stand. On the upper, middle, and lower levels of the yin and yang sides of each sample tree, randomly selected branches with lengths of about 1m were used as standard branches. The number of flowers and fruits was counted, and the number of flowers and fruits on the average length of 1 m was counted. The number of flowers and fruits of the standard branch of the year of abundance, average year, and year of apology were counted, and the seedling level and seed harvest amount were evaluated. A5 Half-face canopy estimation method. Within the forest stand for seed collection, randomly sample more than 50 trees and stand at a distance similar to the height of the tree. Count the number of fruits in the half canopy for each sample tree and calculate the average value. Substitute the tree species. The correlation equation between the number of fruit in the half canopy and the number of fruit in the whole canopy can be seen, and the average number of fruit per sample can be obtained, and the number of fruits in the whole forest can be obtained by multiplying the total number of trees. The seed yield was estimated based on the annual recovery rate and the rate of seed production.
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